"This... Is really what the chairman prepared for me?" Zhao bingyue felt that with her understanding of the chairman, even if the current chairman wants to please her and want her to stay in the company, it is impossible to do this step.

The rent of this office alone is scary enough, not to mention the office equipment inside. Everything is valuable and specially designed for pregnant women. It is comfortable everywhere.

"Of course, the chairman also specifically told me to clean you every day. If there is a grain of dust here, he will ask me." the summary is full of envy. "President Zhao, the chairman is very kind to you. Several new employees of the company are talking about whether you are his own daughter who has been separated for many years."

Zhao bingyue smiled helplessly and shook her head. Anyway, the chairman's mind was in her heart.

"By the way, the questions you just asked me on wechat..." as soon as Zhao bingyue returned to the workplace, she soon threw herself into the state of work. "If you're okay, turn on the computer and I'll talk to you."

Zhao bingyue has always been generous in cultivating her own people. Whenever she has the ability, she must give it to each other. As for whether the other party can absorb it and do well, it's not her problem to consider.

Summary: smart, capable and smart, the key is that there is no evil spirit. Zhao bingyue plans to train her to be her own successor, so that she doesn't have her own shelter when she is in the company. She is bullied every day.

"What make complaints about computer is that I am going to open the computer." Zhao Bingyue knew that Zhao Bingyue was not easy to touch the computer with his children. He was always doing the operation on behalf of Zhao Bingyue himself, and he still did not forget the manager who came in.

Summary, here, all of us want to rush out and bring the manager in, so that he can make complaints about Zhao Bingyue's face.

"I said, I'm your person, I'm following your project, and I'm not idle when you're on vacation. I'm also following the project, and he wants me to go to his side." the summary is even more angry when I mention this, "I don't know why he just doesn't like me. He seems to be against me everywhere. You say I've been with you for so long. Who in the head office doesn't give me any face? The new manager is good. He can wear small shoes for me everywhere. He even asked me to be an assistant to a newly graduated female designer of his project. The drawing drawn by the designer hasn't been finished yet I'm a good-looking painter. I was asked to be her assistant. Is there a mistake? "

The summary's complaint is not unreasonable. She has practiced in Zhao bingyue's hand for so long and worked as an assistant to Zhao bingyue. If she is more ambitious, she resigned and applied for a job in other companies. The positions given to her by other companies are senior designers.

The new manager doesn't know what's right and what's wrong. She thinks she's just a little assistant who eats and drinks with Zhao bingyue, flatters and flatters her. She deliberately makes trouble for her while Zhao bingyue is away. She doesn't know whether she's demonstrating to Zhao bingyue, who hasn't appeared yet, or whether she simply doesn't get used to the behavior of taking a salary from the company instead of going to the company for a long time.

"When this is done later, take me to meet your new manager."

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