"Is there any problem?" Zhao bingyue found that Luo Huasheng didn't speak and kept staring at the monitoring screen. It seemed that she found another problem.

"Look here." Luo Huasheng asked her to sit next to her and point to the screen on the computer.

He never thought that he had just told the Luo family and Xu Sui's mother and daughter to cover every corner of the Luo family with monitoring. Xu Sui dared to commit a crime against the wind at this time!

In the monitoring, Luo Huasheng played the track of the bird before it flew into their house. Zhao bingyue clearly saw that the dead bird flew from Xu Sui. Before that, Xu Sui had fed it with his own things.

Zhao bingyue's face turned pale, but she still couldn't believe that Xu Sui could drive a bird to do bad things.

"So what Xu Sui feeds the bird is poison?" Zhao bingyue suddenly feels cold all over. How vicious is a person's heart to do such a cruel thing!

"It doesn't rule out that this bird does bad things for her." Luo Huasheng knows that Zhao bingyue doesn't want to think things so bad, but many things they can't imagine don't mean that people with ulterior motives can't do it.

"If she did, what should we do?" Zhao bingyue took her eyes back from the monitoring screen and didn't want to take another look at Xu Sui.

This woman is now a snake and scorpion hearted villain to her. One more look will make her feel physiological rejection.

Even the monitoring can't stop her from poisoning Zhao bingyue. What will Xu Sui do to her next?

If it hadn't been for Luo Huasheng's installation of monitoring at home, if it hadn't been for the servant's complaint, which made them vigilant, if Zhao bingyue accidentally drank that glass of water, maybe she could only be a corpse now.

Zhao bingyue suddenly felt very cold, and her body was subconsciously close to Luo Huasheng. This feeling of being in her own home, but still facing various crises everywhere was terrible!

"I'll let her pay the price." Luo Huasheng clenched his fist. Everything Xu Sui did was undoubtedly pushing herself to a dead end. In that case, he had to help her.

"Why is there such a vicious drug in her hand? Didn't you check it when she entered Luo's house?" Zhao bingyue asked casually. It's not so easy to get such a poison.

Luo Huasheng looked at her: "wife, she was brought by someone in the second room, and only lives here as a guest. Have you ever seen a host search the guest, or specially check whether he has any contraband or dangerous goods?"

Zhao bingyue stuck out her tongue and felt that she was a little naive. Indeed, as long as Xu Sui was willing, it was not difficult for her to get such poison, not to mention there was a person behind her.

"Did you find out the man behind her?" Zhao bingyue couldn't help asking. She really couldn't stand Xu Sui any more. She just wanted Xu Sui to leave here as soon as possible. She didn't want to live a fearful life like today.

However, if the person behind Xu Sui is not completely found out, it is equivalent to that the tumor has not been completely removed. Sooner or later, the tumor will recur. At that time, I'm afraid it will be more deadly, and do they still have the ability to fight back at that time?

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