Originally was filled with a bowl of tremella soup, has also been under someone's attack gradually exposed the bottom of the bowl.

Tang Jinshe reached out to touch some full belly, eyes color slightly, clear black eyes once again floating a thought, and then stopped eating.

As soon as the hunger disappeared, the hidden complex emotions began to haunt her again!

It seemed to remind her all the time of what she had said or done that made her feel guilty and guilty.

Looking at this rich breakfast, Tang Jinshe's lips are tight, and many fragments flash in her mind at one time

Thinking of the trouble, she simply put down the spoon in her hand. At this moment, her good appetite suddenly disappeared.

Fu Jinyan

Tang Jinshe silently recited in his heart, trying to find a solution that can break through the shackles of his heart.

In fact, I didn't want to cheat him.

I was in a hurry yesterday, but I couldn't control my speech.


At this time, Fu Jinyan, who had been staying in the study for a long time, finally came out.

It's just that handsome face with clear outline, but it looks much colder than before I went to the study to charge my mobile phone. It's like freezing a piece of ice on my face!

Listening to the approaching footsteps behind him, Tang Jinshe immediately sat in a critical position and pulled himself out of a mess of emotions.

After sitting in silence.

Fu Jin Yan stirred the milk in his cup again and again with a spoon, but he didn't bring it to drink

"Mr. Fu, the milk is really a little fishy when it's cold. It's not good for the entrance. Why don't I take it in for you and heat it up?"

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe took the initiative to suggest that he had a kind and flattering look and didn't notice the difference between the men's looks.

When Fu Jin heard the words, he was silent for a while.

However, he stopped stirring in his hand, stretched his face, and pushed the cup to Tang Jinshe's face

"Very soon!"

Conscious of his meaning, Tang Jinshe said, taking up the cup with great politeness, and walked to the kitchen with a brisk pace.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

For Tang jinsher, she is willing to do anything that can please Fu Jinyan.

What's more, now she feels guilty for what happened last night, so if she can do more, her burden will be reduced.

In the kitchen, there was a quick noise.

Man is such a strange creature, struggling with contradictions, but at the same time he has to move on.

Fu Jinyan looks at the beautiful figure that has been wiped into the kitchen. Her eyes are moving, but her heart is soft. She is willing to give this woman another chance!

In the simple and bright living room, the air of condensation seems to be slightly relaxed.

Fu took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and then his fingertips leaped. He quickly edited a text message and sent it to the phone number he had just contacted.

But a minute.

The other side seems to have a sharp heart and is on standby at any time. As soon as he finds out the purchase record, he sends it to the screenshot through the way of SMS and figure!

When Fu Jinyan read the consumer goods on the payment list at the end, his face could not be described as "cold".



Fu Jinyan holds the mobile phone and stares at the line of purchase date.

Isn't it the night of their grand annual meeting?

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