Xiaochen, who was extremely stimulated, could only listen to the kidnappers and shouted for help at her.

Zhao bingyue tightened her eyebrows. She and Xiaochen haven't met for a long time. The last time she asked Xiaochen to go abroad with her, something happened to Xiaochen's family. She has been asking for leave recently. How could she be kidnapped?

"Don't hurt her, have something to say." when Zhao bingyue saw the bright knife against Xiaochen's neck, it was particularly frightening, and her heart was uncontrollable.

She suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart that these people might be coming for her.

"If you want to save her, take a million dollars in cash, don't call the police, and don't tell anyone. Bring your money and come to the place designated by us. We'll pay money and people on the one hand, otherwise we'll tear up her ticket!"

The voice of the man in black behind Xiaochen passed through the sound transformer. It was rough and ugly. Zhao bingyue asked him to send the money himself.

Zhao bingyue's face was nervous, but she was very calm in her heart. She even took time to think about what the kidnappers said.

"Who are you? Why kidnap her? Her family has no money. It's illegal for you to do things like this." Zhao bingyue dare not act rashly, but she also wants to trap them. It's worth where they are.

"Don't talk nonsense. Can't you see who we are? I warn you, we only want money and don't want human life. I'll give you an hour. If you don't prepare one million cash and come to the place we specify, we'll kill your best friend!"

Does the other party know Xiaochen is her best friend?

Zhao bingyue's brain is turning rapidly. The other party knows that she is Xiaochen's best friend, but for a real kidnapping like them, wasn't it the family member of the victim who was found first? How could you find a best friend who can't beat her.

Moreover, to be more precise, she and Xiaochen are not best friends. She is Xiaochen's boss. Although they have a good relationship, they are not as good as the summary.

With these words, Zhao bingyue basically determined that the other party was coming for her.

Don't let her call the police, and don't let her tell others. This other person is talking about Luo Huasheng. And let her go alone with a million cash.

They knew that if she didn't tell Locke about it, she wouldn't be able to get a million dollars in cash. The other party's purpose is not money, just want her life.

"Don't be impulsive and don't hurt her. I'll find a way. Don't you just want money? In this way, you let her go and tell me the card number of your bank card. I'll call you. How about it?"

"Do you think we are stupid? You must bring cash in person, otherwise we will kill her!" the other party roared, obviously thinking that Zhao bingyue didn't take them seriously.

This always threatens Xiaochen's life. Even if Zhao bingyue wants to take them seriously, it is unlikely.

Zhao bingyue didn't immediately promise them: "however, you probably don't know that she and I are actually just the relationship between superiors and subordinates. You asked me to find a million, but I wanted to give it to you and let you let her go, but I can't take it out now. I don't have so much money in my hand. Unless I told my husband to give it to me, I can send it to you."

The other party was silent. After a moment, he asked Zhao bingyue, "how much money do you have now?"

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