"I've been living in such a mess in recent years. I don't even have self-esteem. I've been waiting for you to come back, but why did you turn it out again and again? Bedu, tell me, am I really bad? Do I really have no merit?"

Luo Huanhuan cried sadly. Since she became an adult, she has never cried so willfully. She looked down on Luo Huanhuan when she saw her cry like this before, but now it's her turn. She doesn't even have a person to wipe her tears.

"Bedu, I want to know what your heart is made of. Even if you are really just a stone, you should melt when I treat you like this. Why are you always so cruel, why are you just unwilling to give a little, even if you pretend to love."

The elevator door rang. They arrived at the floor where bedu was. Many people stood outside. They were about to come in, but Luo Huanhuan shouted at bedu in tears.

Bedou's face was very ugly, as if he was extremely embarrassed.

Luo Huanhuan's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, cold and thorough.

She smiled, as if she didn't see the people outside the elevator waiting for them to come out, or didn't notice the people outside looking at their pictures.

Her moist eyes were fixed on Bedo's face, Try to pick up your broken self-esteem: "Don't worry, I won't bother you again in the future. Since your heart can't accommodate me and you won't give me a trace of warmth, I'm not really a shameless person. I'll accept your blessing and find a better man than you. From now on, there won't be another me to pester you. Bedu, you're completely free."

Luo Huanhuan finished, pushed Beidu's suitcase back to the man's hand, wiped off the rolling tears on his face again, and resolutely walked outside the elevator.

Without giving anyone a chance to see a joke, he went straight into the elevator with the door open next door and went all the way down.

No one else came in the elevator. Luo Huanhuan gave up and cried bitterly in the elevator.

She thought that as long as she waited patiently, sooner or later, bedu would be moved by her and fall in love with her again.

She helped Xu Sui against Zhao bingyue again and again, thinking that as long as Zhao bingyue left the world, bedu would come back to her.

But in fact, when the news reported that Zhao bingyue had died, bedu didn't come back. When the news reported that Zhao bingyue was still alive, bedu left his work and came back nonstop.

Let Zhao bingyue leave the world. Even if there is no Zhao bingyue in the world, bedu will never return to her.

It turned out that this was the true face of the world, cruel and cold, which made her feel desperate.

She used to be so determined that now it has all become a joke.

Luo Huanhuan left bedu's hotel and returned to her own car. In the car, she looked at the direction of the hotel through the window. Until this moment, she still had a glimmer of expectation that bedu would catch up.

However, the reality is always beating her face. It's dark, and there's still no familiar figure in the lobby of the hotel.

Bedu doesn't care about her at all, and bedu never cares about her. This should be the reality that she should have realized for a long time, but until now, she still holds unrealistic fantasies in her heart and deeply lives herself into a joke.

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