"You know he has nothing to do with you, so I have something to do with him?" Zhao bingyue really doesn't understand Luo Huanhuan's brain circuit.

Ignoring Luo Huanhuan's thoughts, Zhao bingyue asked someone to take the child out, turned and walked into the house.

No matter what kind of ideas the Xu family wants, she Zhao bingyue is too lazy to accompany them. She asks her to raise grandchildren for the Xu family and free sons for Xu Sui. Does she really treat their grandson as a pastry?

Luo Huanhuan looked at Zhao bingyue's back and watched Luo Huasheng's men leave with the child. What he wanted to say stopped.

Forget it. Anyway, it's none of her business. She just helped by the way. What does it have to do with her?

Not long after Luo Huanhuan left, Luo Huasheng's men came back with the three-year-old child. Zhao bingyue saw that the child had not been taken away, and her expression darkened again.

"What's the matter? Didn't you send it out?"

"Madam, there are all reporters outside. Moreover, the Xu family has already left." If they just leave a three-year-old outside, who knows what the reporters will write.

Who knows if the Xu family is going to fight a public opinion war now?

"Then drive the car, take him from the backyard and take him to Xu's house." Zhao bingyue's expression is more irritable. Li Hui is really vicious. She can not even give up her grandson for her daughter. She even has the heart to put her in the enemy's nest.

They can really relax!

Aren't you afraid that Zhao bingyue abused the child?

Or, in their cognition, is Zhao bingyue not as cruel as the Xu family?

"Yes, madam." His men were just about to leave with the child, when the child rushed towards Zhao bingyue.

Zhao bingyue's face was dignified. She saw him jump on his leg, hold his calf tightly, raise her head with tears in her eyes and said to her, "I don't want to go back. My grandmother said that if I go back by myself, she will let someone intercept the car on the way and kill me. I don't want to die. I want my mother, I want my mother..."

The soft cry sounds very pitiful. A three-year-old child already knows the things of life and death and has the fear of death.

Or did his grandmother teach him these words and his actions, and the Xu family trained him long ago?

"What shall we do now, madam?" The female bodyguard had no idea for a moment, and the other followed, "if what the child said is true, the Xu family is too vicious. They can give such a cruel hand to their grandchildren. They are obviously forcing your wife to make a decision."

To force her with a child is to see Zhao bingyue's incomparable softhearted characteristics of being pregnant with a child and about to become a mother.

The Xu family's move is still extremely vicious, but I have to say that if the Xu family handles it properly, Zhao bingyue may be taken by them soon.

Zhao bingyue couldn't help sneering. She really underestimated the shamelessness of the Xu family and looked up at the character of the Xu family!

How could she think that she could raise a family like Xu Sui, because she didn't associate with Xu Sui for the time being, but a rich family with a little conscience who cares about her reputation?

Now it seems that she was very wrong in the past, and the Xu family is also a true and complete hypocrite's family!

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