When Zhao bingyue arrived here, he received a call from the lawyer he and went to the bathroom.

The man's purpose is very clear, is to let them give up the accusation against Xu Sui, but Luo Huasheng didn't expect that the man surnamed he would threaten him with ice moon.

"Mr. Luo doesn't know yet. I still know Mrs. Luo. Anyway, long ago we..."

"If you say anything, fart. Do you think if you mention my wife, I'll be led by your nose?" Luo Huasheng heard something about Zhao bingyue from his mouth. There was no reason in his heart. There was an unknown fire rising. He was so impulsive that he wanted to hit someone.

"What's Mr. Luo doing in such a hurry? I just want to tell Mr. Luo something you didn't know before, just about your wife."

"Don't you just want us to let go? No matter what you want to say, it's useless for me to tell you. It's useless for you to make up any kind of story. You can't separate my feelings with bingyue!"

Later, he Yijun also said some more excessive words. Luo Huasheng couldn't help beating him. He Yijun didn't come back when he came back, which led to the absence of the defendant's lawyer.

"Nothing." Luo Huasheng held Zhao bingyue's hand and looked straight ahead.

It's better that he Yijun can't come back, so that no one will defend Xu Sui, and that crazy woman won't come out to harm the world.

However, when the judge asked again and again, he Yijun arrived at the scene. Not only that, he also had a wound on his face and attracted everyone's attention as soon as he entered the site.

Zhao bingyue nodded in her heart and turned to Luo Huasheng: "what's the situation?"

"His mouth stinks." Luo Huasheng only replied three words. Bingyue knew that this matter might have something to do with Luo Huasheng.

Zhao bingyue would like to ask him what he Yijun said to him. However, it's so far. Even knowing it won't help. What's more, it won't be nice to make Luo Huasheng angry.

"This man is too insidious. In order to win this lawsuit, he can do anything." Zhao bingyue said angrily.

From his instigation of Li Hui to send the children to them to the fact that he has been calling Luo Huasheng, these means are extremely disgusting.

"It's one thing whether he can win or not. Let's see what happens." With him and Luo Huasheng, no one can beat them.

"Your honor, I have a piece of evidence here. I don't know if I can prove that Luo Huasheng has a tendency to violence. During the period when my daughter lived in Luo's house, she was tortured by him!" Li Hui suddenly stood up and shouted, and asked someone to present the evidence.

The evidence is that video of he Yijun tempting Luo Huasheng to beat him. They want to prove Luo Huasheng's violent crime.

Zhao bingyue looked at the picture of enraged Luo Huasheng punching he Yijun in the face in the video, which was a little startled.

The Xu family took great pains to win this victory. Even the bitter meat trick can be done.

However, this episode was quickly refuted by their lawyer: "we object. First of all, we declare that Mr. Luo has no tendency to violence. This video is obviously a guiding video deliberately shot by the other party's lawyer in order to splash dirty water on Mr. Luo. It can't be used as evidence in court."

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