"If Miss Ou didn't come on business, I wouldn't be able to accompany her." Luo Huasheng said he was about to leave, but Ou Yuxuan burst into laughter, "Mr. Luo, you are a big man. What are you afraid of? I won't eat you."

Luo Huasheng's face became more gloomy and didn't want to entangle with her: "Miss ou, please respect yourself."

Now it is the peak of work. Many people around him walk past him. Although they dare not explore more, Luo Huasheng can also feel the hidden jump of gossip in their hearts.

If they spread this story to let Zhao bingyue know, I don't know how unhappy Zhao bingyue will be.

Ou Yuxuan was annoyed to see that Luo Huasheng was hiding from her everywhere and deliberately avoiding suspicion. He inquired about Luo Huasheng and Zhao bingyue. He still doesn't understand what's good about Zhao bingyue and why Luo Huasheng is so obsessed with her.

"If Mr. Luo is really busy, we can talk another day." Ou Yuxuan took out a document from her bag, "I have a project here, which I applied for from my father. I believe Mr. Luo will be interested. I also believe that the company team led by Mr. Luo has strong ability. We might as well make an appointment to have a good chat. I believe this project has great benefits to both our companies. Mr. Luo is so visionary. I believe he must have heard about this project."

Luo Huasheng looked at the project name in her hand. This is indeed the project he wants to win next. However, even for a big project, if someone comes to negotiate with him with a purpose, he won't really refuse anyone.

"Miss Ou is flattered. I will consider this project carefully. After the evaluation, if appropriate, I will let manager Luo contact you."

Luo Huasheng nodded to her and left the company.

Ou Yuxuan looked at the figure of him leaving without mercy, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

She felt a little unhappy, but I don't know why. The more Locke looked like this, the more interested she was in exploring.

No matter how hard it is, she will win the man she is staring at by Ou Yuxuan.

Luo Huasheng, we have a long way to go.

After Luo Hua gave birth to the company, he saw Zhao bingyue's car parked outside, and Zhao bingyue stood by the car and gently watched him come down. The smile on his face was like the spring breeze, which could heal the scars and unhappiness in people's heart.

"Why are you standing outside, cold or not?" Luo Huasheng went up and held Zhao bingyue's face. He found that her face was really cold and her eyebrows were subconsciously wrinkled.

"I'm not cold." Zhao bingyue shook her head, pulled his hand down and looked at the lobby of Roche Group behind him. "I just saw the back of a familiar woman go to your company, like Miss Ou who had dinner with us last time. Did she go to you?"

The woman's intuition has always been very accurate, especially after pregnancy, Zhao bingyue's five senses are like getting through Ren Du's two veins, and she guessed most of them just by her back.

"It's her." As soon as luohuasheng mentioned the woman, his mood became gloomy. He felt a little bored at the thought of the woman's purpose.

However, he said that Luo Huasheng would not care too much about a woman. It has always been his principle to keep a cool distance, politely let the other party retreat in the face of difficulties, and not leave a trace of unrealistic fantasy to the other party.

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