Zhao bingyue immediately shook her head, choked and said, "I'm too delicate. I accumulate all the depressed things during this period of time to have such terrible nightmares. Fortunately, they are all dreams."

Fortunately, Luo Huasheng did not leave himself. Fortunately, in real life, they can rely on each other as closely as magnets.

Luo Huasheng held her head and kissed her face: "yes, it's just a dream. Don't think about it."

He didn't expect that recent events would put so much pressure on her.

"It's my negligence. I don't go to work today. How about going to see a psychologist?"

Seeing a psychologist doesn't mean having mental illness. Sometimes it's just to relieve anxiety and depression.

Many things they can't see on the surface. Sometimes even Zhao bingyue can't show it. Only through the deep excavation of psychologists can they know how to deal with and adjust next.

And it's not just Zhao bingyue. Doesn't he also need to see a psychologist?

So many things have happened recently. He still doesn't take good care of Zhao bingyue, which will make her have nightmares.

"Aren't you going to work?" Zhao bingyue shook her head, "I'm fine, but I haven't adjusted for a while. I'll be fine after a while."

People are sometimes more powerful than they think, and their self purification function is more useful than they think. Any bad thing will be slowly cured one day.

"The company's affairs are not as important as you. Of course, I know you will adjust yourself one day, but now it hurts me to see you like this."

Luo Huasheng held her hand and put it on his heart. He didn't want to see Zhao bingyue's low cry when he woke up in the middle of the night again. He didn't want to kiss Zhao bingyue when he woke up the next day, but found the tears on her face.

Zhao bingyue finally didn't beat Luo Huasheng. After getting up and having breakfast, she went to see a psychologist with him.

Seeing a psychologist is a step-by-step thing, so after the morning, Zhao bingyue, who was too lazy to go home in the afternoon, went to the Luo group with Luo Huasheng.

Now as long as she comes to the Luo group, she is treated like a princess. All delicious and fun things will be put in front of her for her to choose, and someone will chat with her.

However, before Luo Huasheng called people, Zhao bingyue stopped his extravagant behavior and put an end to letting anyone chat with him. She just wanted to read in Luo Huasheng's office sofa area quietly.

Of course, Luo Huasheng had to rely on her. As long as she was happy, there was no problem what she wanted to do.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the door of the office was suddenly knocked. Luo Huasheng went to the conference room for a meeting. There was only Zhao bingyue in his office.

"Who?" Zhao bingyue looked up at the door. You know, as Luo Huasheng, the person who can directly come to his office to find him must have a high status in Luo's group.

But most of them know that Watson has a meeting in the conference room next door, and she is the only one in this office. How can she knock at this time?

The other party didn't know whether he didn't hear Zhao bingyue's echo or something, and still didn't stop knocking at the door.

Zhao bingyue had to stand up and open the door of the office. As a result, she saw Ou Yuxuan with red lips and flames standing at the door: "Mr. Luo..."

Ou Yuxuan's smiling face solidified at the moment she saw Zhao bingyue.

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