Nansirong rolled his eyes without fear. Is it difficult for the other party to bend into a trick?

Luo Huanxi is a noble daughter of the Luo family. How do you know these hooligans!

However, Luo Huanxi didn't come in for a long time. Let alone the tattooed men and others, nansirong couldn't help frowning.

After a while, the tattoo man's men came in and said, "brother, Miss Huanxi knows this man is here and says she doesn't want to see him. Let's send him away."

"Where is Miss Huanxi?" The tattooed man's expression was even more unhappy. He should have expected that the boy made Huanxi so uncomfortable. How could Huanxi be willing to see him?

"She seems to be going back. I think her eyes are red. It seems that she hasn't calmed down yet."

The tattoo man looked back at nansloan again, as if nansloan had caused all this.

Nansi Rong frowned. He waited here for a long time to prove Luo Huanxi's innocence. As a result, the girl heard that he turned around here and left?

At least come and take him away in person. He doesn't want to stay with this group of gangsters!

"It's you, a boy surnamed Nan, who made our family happy and so sad. I tell you, if you lose happiness after happiness, I will not let you go!"

"Then you call her over. How can she prove my innocence if she doesn't come over!" Nancy Rong couldn't help being angry, "I said she wasn't my girlfriend, so I didn't have to admit it if I really fell in love with her. What's more, I had a quarrel with her today. Isn't it normal? If she is really sad, it's definitely not because of me. Maybe she has already made another boyfriend. It's another person who made her unhappy. You should go to that person instead Not me! "

"You smelly boy, it's time for you to say such words. You're dead. I'll tell you." The tattoo man pointed to nansirong's nose and told his men, "go and bring Miss Huanxi. She will have a good look at the true face of this heartless man!"

The younger brother on one side was also angry: "Miss Huanxi was really blind to see such a man. I think Miss Huanxi might as well have chosen the eldest brother. At least our eldest brother has more responsibilities than him."

"What nonsense are you talking about? After I said that joy is my sister, you are not allowed to mention me and her again. Do you hear me?"

Nansirong looked at the tattoo man's way of teaching his little brother and slightly raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the tattoo man liked Luo Huanxi. No wonder he was so angry when he saw himself.

"I said to you, if you really like Luo Huanxi, fight for it yourself. I really have nothing to do with Luo Huanxi, and you don't have to take it out on me." Nancy smiled sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?" The tattoo man grabbed Nancy Rong by the collar and directly lifted him up.

The two men were at war, and the smell of gunpowder was becoming stronger and stronger. They were about to fight. Suddenly a man ran in outside the door: "brother, the Luo family is coming."

The tattoo man shook his hand holding nansirong's collar. He didn't know why he heard about the Luo family. He thought of Luo Huanxi's brother Luo Huarui, and couldn't help but feel it in his heart.

Yes, as Luo Huanxi's former suitor, the tattooed man is not afraid of anything, but it's just Luo Huanxi crying and the brother behind her.

Her brother looked polite and easy to talk, but in fact, he was no match for him.

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