Luo Huasheng looked at her back as she left. His breath became shorter and his face became more ugly.

After Zhao bingyue left, he hit the wall with a fistful of resentment, so that his fingers were skinned, blood seeped out, and he didn't feel any pain.

It was completely dark outside. Zhao bingyue sat in a soft rocking chair and looked up at the stars in the sky. The whole heart was empty and filled with faint pain.

This bad feeling has not appeared for a long time. Every appearance has something to do with Luo Huasheng. She really doesn't like it, she doesn't like it.

I don't know how long it took. Instead of looking for her, Luo Huasheng was reminded by her servant that it was late: "madam, it's time to go back and have a rest."

Zhao bingyue came back and asked the servant beside her, "what time is it now?"

"It's almost nine o'clock, madam." The servant replied truthfully.

It's already nine o'clock. She has sat here for so long, and Luo Huasheng hasn't come to see her once.

Zhao bingyue didn't know why. She suddenly panicked, but forced herself to calmly ask the servant, "where's sir? Has he fallen asleep?"

Is he angry with her that she doesn't trust him?

"Sir just answered the phone and went out. He said he would come back soon. Let his wife rest earlier and don't be too tired."

Go out?

Zhao bingyue was stunned for a moment, her eyes became empty, and her voice was lighter: "why didn't he come and tell me himself when he left?"

The servant seemed to notice something wrong between them and said carefully, "he has been walking for nearly an hour and a half."

I walked for more than an hour. I walked for so long without telling her.

Zhao bingyue sneered and said nothing. She was going to get up and go to bed when the phone rang.

Zhao bingyue took a look at the caller ID, but it was Bei Du. Zhao bingyue hesitated and connected the phone.

"Bingyue, do you have time now?" Bedou's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was very calm. It seemed that he was no longer interested in the past of childhood.

"What can I do for you?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Bedu's voice said somewhat disappointed, "can you come out and have a drink with me?"

Zhao bingyue subconsciously wanted to refuse, but did not directly say, "leave? Where are you going? Or going abroad?"

Beidu on the other end of the phone smiled bitterly. It is an indisputable fact that Zhao bingyue has married Luo Huasheng. What can he do even if he continues to stay here?

For three years, no matter how many ups and downs between Zhao bingyue and Luo Huasheng, it seems to have nothing to do with him. He can see clearly that he doesn't want to stay here and be a person who disgusts Zhao bingyue.

"Yes, at least there are things waiting for me to do abroad. Here..." here he doesn't have any concern. The only concern is that he doesn't need him anymore.

"But it's late today. Are you leaving early tomorrow?" Zhao bingyue glanced at the clock and it was almost time for her to go to bed.

Although she may be sleepless all night because of what happened to Luo Huasheng today, she can't sleep well.

"Well, I bought a very early ticket and I'm leaving at about six o'clock. I don't think I'll come back in the future. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to see you again. I still want to see you at last."

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