But now looking at Ou Yuxuan's face, which pretended to be innocent, she suddenly felt that if it was Ou Yuxuan, what else could she not do?

"You can argue cunningly, but you can't cover up the facts. Ou Yuxuan, you'd better not appear in front of him again in your life. Watson knows clearly what we haven't seen. He will never be so by you..."

Zhao bingyue couldn't say anything later.

"Mrs. Luo is too overbearing to say this. It doesn't say that our European family and the Luo family still have cooperation. Even if there is no cooperation, Mrs. Luo asked me not to appear in front of Mr. Luo all my life. It's too difficult for people. Mrs. Luo is not qualified to order me like this, isn't it!"

Clearly, they bumped into the scene where she wanted to track down. As a result, she not only washed herself white as if she had done nothing, but also threatened that Zhao bingyue was not qualified to let her not appear in front of Luo Huasheng.

"I'm not qualified?" Zhao bingyue's eyes were cold and terrible.

Beidu stood up in time and said to Zhao bingyue, "this is not the time to say this. Luo Huasheng is still in a coma. Let's take him to the hospital first."

"Yes." Luo Huanhuan didn't know what to say. She could feel that Ou Yuxuan was difficult to deal with.

There was such a strong psychology at the scene of being caught, and she could not face all things so calmly.

Zhao bingyue tried to help Luo Huasheng up. Bedu came forward to help her, but he didn't want to touch Luo Huasheng's face.

Luo Huasheng will become like this. He must have been drugged. When Zhao bingyue holds Luo Huasheng past Ou Yuxuan, she stares sharply at Ou Yuxuan's hypocritical face.

As long as she has done something, there will be clues. Even if ou Yuxuan strongly denies it now and reverses black and white, after the truth is revealed, Luo Huasheng will not let her go even if she doesn't do it herself.

Take Luo Huasheng out of the club. Zhao bingyue asks Beidu to put Luo Huasheng in the seat. She reaches out and touches Luo Huasheng's face. She only feels that the temperature on him is terrible.

"I'm taking him to the hospital." Zhao bingyue turned around and found Beidu and Luo Huanhuan standing in front of her. She almost forgot their past.

Just now there was an emergency. Zhao bingyue didn't find anything different. At this time, they had come out, and Beidu and Luo Huanhuan stood together. The embarrassing atmosphere between the two people was everywhere. Zhao bingyue suddenly woke up to the subtle and alienated relationship between Beidu and Luo Huanhuan.

She wanted to thank them and took Luo Huasheng to the hospital, but her heart suddenly moved and her words changed.

"Can you go to the hospital with me?" It should be late now, and Bedouin's flight is at 6:00 in the morning. If he is willing to stay, he will never get to the airport at 6:00, which means he can't leave.

Luo Huanhuan looked at bedu with a faint expectation. He was so nervous that he clenched his hand and looked forward to bedu's promise to stay, but he was afraid that after he really stayed, they still couldn't be together. Bedu still rejected her and stayed away from her as always.

It's better to let him go abroad than that. In this way, if they are far away and have no chance to meet again, she will slowly forget him and her stubborn feelings.

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