Zhao bingyue believes this, but Lu's father's love for Lu AISI is really enviable.

Zhao bingyue bent her lips and collected a trace of darkness in her eyes.

She has always been a sensitive person, especially the misfortune of her family has caused a lot of harm to her.

Luo Huasheng loved her very much. His fingers gently scraped her face, looked at her and said, "what you lost before, I will supply you in the future."

He could see that Zhao bingyue was thinking about her mother again.

Zhao bingyue received the sadness on her face and took the initiative to kiss the man's face: "this is what you said. What if you want to break your promise?"

"If I break my promise, do what you want."

"Cunning!" Zhao bingyue pinched his chin and asked him, "tell me, did Ou Yuxuan meet you last night?"

Zhao bingyue remembered that when she squeezed in, Luo Huasheng lay on the ground not far from the door. She thought that Ou Yuxuan had not had a chance to do anything to Luo Huasheng.

But at that time, the collar of Locke's shirt was open. Obviously, he didn't open it himself.

When Zhao bingyue recalled this, she felt more and more wrong: "did she kiss you? Where did she kiss you? You should be honest!"

Luo Huasheng didn't expect that women's faces would change so quickly. One second he was still hurting spring and autumn for his family, but the next second he shifted the topic to what happened last night.

"No." Luo Huasheng's face darkened. "When you came in, I still had a little consciousness. Of course, it was impossible for her to succeed."

He is also a strong man. How can he be at the mercy of a woman?

"I don't believe it. Then why didn't you have any consciousness when I went in?" Zhao bingyue thought of the scene at that time. The panic chasing her almost drove people crazy.

Luo Huasheng has a headache. He is reluctant to recall what happened yesterday, but he is afraid that Zhao bingyue will think more.

"You only saw me close my eyes as if I were in a coma, but didn't you feel that I took the initiative to hold your hand?"

Zhao bingyue was stunned and thought about it carefully, but she was too worried to notice.

"Since you are conscious, has Ou Yuxuan ever kissed you?"

"No." Luo Huasheng held Zhao bingyue's face in both hands and asked her to look at herself. "Wife, do you know what other people's lips mean to me? If she really touched me, I would live better than you."

Zhao bingyue hummed, pouted and deliberately said, "who knows what you really think in your heart. Maybe you enjoyed it at that time. Otherwise, why were you so calm when I found the lipstick on your collar yesterday?"

Luo Huasheng felt that he couldn't wash himself when he jumped into the Yellow River. He sighed gently: "I said lipstick was just a prank. I'll let someone transfer the monitoring to you today. Your husband, I work hard in the company every day, and it's not my fault to be remembered. Who made me grow up..."

Zhao bingyue looked at him obliquely, as if waiting for him to say it. Luo Huasheng quickly showed a flattering smile: "I'm wrong wife. There's nothing to be complacent about this kind of thing. I'm really wrong."

He raised his hand and made a vow: "but I can assure you that I have never let any woman kiss except you."

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