He Yijun stopped, looked back at Luo Huasheng who helped Zhao bingyue up, tried to calm himself, smiled and said, "suddenly I feel a little dizzy. I can't wait for the sobering soup to be cooked. I want to go back to my room and lie down and have a rest."

He saw Locke's eyes. The man seemed to be able to perceive everything. Those eyes seemed to be able to see through him.

Zhu Xiaoli followed them and came over. When she heard what he Yijun said, she didn't have the slightest doubt. She hurried forward and held he Yijun's arm.

"I'll take you back to your room. I'll have the housekeeper bring up the sobering soup later."

He Yijun nodded, glanced at Luo Huasheng and followed Zhu Xiaoli back to their room.

Zhao bingyue and Luo Huasheng stood where they were until he Yijun and Zhu Xiaoli disappeared inside their room door.

"Do you think he Yijun just came out of Huanhuan's room?" Zhao bingyue has an intuition that she can feel the unusual relationship between Luo Huanhuan and he Yijun.

Luo Huasheng turned his eyes and said expressionless, "don't worry about them. You just ate. Do you want to sleep now?"

Zhao bingyue shook her head: "it will be uncomfortable to sleep after eating. Please chat with me."

Luo Huasheng smiled: "OK."

This night, everyone is doomed not to be calm, but strangely, nothing happened tonight.

The next morning, there was a clear bird singing outside the window, and the noisy people couldn't sleep again.

The dazzling sunshine came in. Luo Huanhuan put her hand on her eyes and turned over impatiently. After a few seconds, she finally woke up, but found that she had a splitting headache.

The hangover didn't feel so good. Luo Huanhuan got up and held his head with a long sigh.

The memory of last night recovered sporadically. Luo Huanhuan vaguely remembered that she didn't remember the picture clearly after she was sent to the room by her third brother.

No, she seems to remember that someone broke into her room and talked to her

Luo Huanhuan shivered. She couldn't remember what the man looked like at that time, but if it was true, only two people could do this to her.

Would it be Du Junyi or he

Luo Huanhuan's heart suddenly accelerated its beating speed. She bit her fingers and wanted to recall more details, especially the information related to the man, but she couldn't remember anyway.

It can't be Du Junyi, and Zhu Xiaoli will never allow him to do so. They are inseparable. How could he suddenly come to his room.

So only Du Junyi is left?

Luo Huanhuan frowned. Although she had no feelings with Du Junyi, her promise to be his girlfriend was only temporary and could not be taken seriously.

But if he did this to himself... What could she do?

Let's not say that everyone knows that they are boyfriend and girlfriend for the time being, but that he has not further violated himself. Luo Huanhuan is hard to say.

I just hope Du Junyi won't do such sneaky things in the future. She doesn't like it at all.

Luo Huanhuan felt hungry when his stomach suddenly screamed. He drank so much wine on his empty stomach last night. Now he not only has a severe headache, but also is very hungry. His whole body seems to have been burned by fire. It's very uncomfortable.

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