"I knew that I should have asked someone to pour you a glass of water. Just drink it now, and it won't happen again." Zhao bingyue sighed.

She can see what happened in the second room just now.

It's just that the second room makes such a big noise. I don't know whether it's good or bad. How should Luo Huanhuan face it next.

Luo Huanhuan flushed his eyes and looked helpless.

Seeing her like this, Zhao bingyue had to comfort her and said, "don't worry too much. There must be a way to the front of the mountain. There will always be a better solution to this matter."

Luo Huanhuan lowered her head. She also knew that this matter would pass, but it was hard for her to imagine how it would pass.

Zhao bingyue doesn't want to talk about it anymore. If she goes on, it will only add scars to Luo Huanhuan's heart.

"Didn't you have a good meal just now? I asked someone to prepare some food for you?" Zhao bingyue asked her. At the same time, she also indicated with her eyes that people should prepare something to eat.

There's so much noise in the second room that it's impossible to have a good meal.

"I have no appetite now." Luo Huanhuan sat opposite Zhao bingyue. Although he said so, he didn't refuse.

Soon the food came. Zhao bingyue felt hungry again when she looked at the newly cooked food.

"Sister in law, you can eat with me." Luo Huanhuan is very lonely to eat by himself.

Zhao bingyue nodded and asked for another pair of dishes and chopsticks.

Luo Huanhuan ate and suddenly shed tears, startling Zhao bingyue: "what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong? I'll call a doctor now..."

Zhao bingyue was about to get up and call someone. Luo Huanhuan stopped her: "no, sister-in-law, I'm not uncomfortable. I just feel unhappy."

Once proud of her family, when she needed them most, she watched her leave home, and no one came to take her back.

In the past, Zhao bingyue, who competed with her, only comforted herself when she was most sad.

It is said that things are changeable, but Luo Huanhuan feels extremely sad at the moment, and his tears can't stop flowing down.

Zhao bingyue looked at her crying and couldn't eat any more. She patted her hand gently: "if you don't mind, you can talk to me from your heart. Although I can't give you any advice, it's better than holding it in your heart alone."

Luo Huanhuan shook her head. Zhao bingyue could see that she wanted to talk to someone, but she was worried about something.

Zhao bingyue didn't always encourage her to say it. After all, their previous relationship was so embarrassing. Even if it eased now, it doesn't mean that they can confide in each other.

"Give me an idea, sister-in-law. I really don't know what to do now. My mother asked me to call bedu. They all thought the child was bedu's, but... I don't know how to explain to them. If they know that the child is he Yijun's, my mother will kill me."

She really doesn't know what to do now, so she especially hopes that someone can stand up and give her a suggestion. No matter what kind of suggestion, it's better for her to tangle in her heart alone.

For such a thing, Zhao bingyue has no experience and doesn't know what advice to give.

But now that Luo Huanhuan has pleaded loudly, it doesn't seem very good if she says she's still kind and doesn't care about anything.

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