If he Yijun had a trace of guilt and sympathy for her just now, now, after she said these words, his eyes were only indifferent.

He didn't defend himself, let alone Zhu Xiaoli. If it were anyone else, they would think so.

He Yijun can only take care of what he does, but he can't take care of what others think.

When he spoke again, his tone was also cold: "if you want to make you feel better, you should treat me as such a person. It's also a good thing for you to leave an ungrateful man who pursues fame and wealth. Don't worry, I won't let you have nothing."

Zhu Xiaoli looked at him coldly, Finally, I couldn't help bursting out: "Who needs your things? I've spent so many years of my youth and all my love for you. Can that be measured by the money? I can't go back to the time when I was young and ignorant, and I have no better choice. You just think I can't do anything to you, so it's cheating me. Don't you think it doesn't matter? You think your so-called compensation can be filled in Have I wasted so many years? "

Zhu Xiaoli burst into tears, looked at the man's resolute appearance with tears, and held his clothes tightly: "I won't separate from you, and I don't want to separate from you. Remember, I don't care what decision you make, even if you die, I won't leave you."

With ability, he can really be cruel to stay with Luo Huanhuan. Even if he can do so, she will turn their lives upside down.

He Yijun looked at her stubborn appearance and secretly clenched his teeth: "I know you can't accept it now. After a long time, you will know that it's really meaningless to continue to entangle like this. It's better to let each other go and start a new life again. I believe you will meet a better person instead of keeping me immersed in sadness all your life."

Zhu Xiaoli stared at such he Yijun and suddenly sneered. She turned away her head and looked at the vast sea: "since you abandoned me as a cover, why care about my life or death? Anyway, in your eyes, I am already a thing that can be abandoned at any time, not a living person."

Even a stranger can't turn his face and deny people like this. His feelings and mutual help for so many years are worthless in his eyes.

He Yijun shook his fist and said, "come back with me."

He didn't trust her to stay here alone.

Even if she knew that the purpose of coming here alone was to threaten him, he Yijun could not guarantee that she would not jump into the sea in anger.

"Will you break up with Luo Huanhuan?" Zhu Xiaoli's voice seemed to be empty, without a trace of soul.

He Yijun was silent. Even if he didn't say anything, Zhu Xiaoli knew what he meant.

"If you can't do it and you still want to be with Luo Huanhuan, go back. I can't stop you, but I can't stop loving you. I don't want to break up with you, and I don't want to watch you leave me and run to another woman. I can't tolerate it..."

The voice gradually choked up. Zhu Xiaoli reached out to wipe the big tears from her face, sucked her nose and tried to be stronger.

He Yijun felt very tired. He sat down beside Zhu Xiaoli and said, "what do you want me to do before you let yourself go?"

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