I don't know how long she cried on the ground. When Luo Huanhuan felt that she was about to die, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

For a moment, she was stunned and thought he Yijun had called.

She picked up the phone and tried to wipe away her tears, but she saw that the caller ID on the screen was Bedo, not him.

The light in Luo Huanhuan's eyes went out again, unspeakable disappointment.

I don't know how long it took Luo Huanhuan to finally answer the phone. His voice was hoarse and weak: "Beidu..."

The man on the phone was silent for a second, and then nervously asked her, "what's the matter?"

Luo Huanhuan's nose suddenly soured and tears fell uncontrollably.

Once upon a time, she expected bedu to call her, but now when bedu's call came in, she thought of another person.

The bitterness of the passage of time forced her to almost choke. Luo Huanhuan covered her mouth hard and slowly restrained her impulse to cry.

"I'm fine."

Beidu didn't believe it. He learned from Lu mengju that Luo Huanhuan was pregnant but refused to say whose child it was. Finally, he had to say his name.

If it weren't for something, she wouldn't be so reckless. After all, who the child is, even if she doesn't know now, the truth will come out one day.

Paper can't contain fire, and lies will be exposed sooner or later. Luo Huanhuan doesn't understand this truth.

"Where are you now? I'll come to you." Said Bedou in a low voice.

The matter was unclear in a few words on the phone. Coupled with Luo Huanhuan's state of answering the phone, bedu was worried about what would happen to her.

Luo Huanhuan, who has been in the hotel for a day, now wants to talk to someone. Bedu is someone she can trust.

After telling bedu the address, Luo Huanhuan chatted with bedu and hung up.

The pain in her heart didn't slow down for half a minute. She felt her eyes swollen and painful. She was afraid to scare Bedo, so she had to get up and go to the bathroom to apply cold compress with a towel to reduce the swelling.

Bedu soon arrived at the hotel. When he entered the suite, he saw Luo Huanhuan sitting on the sofa in a depressed mood, saying nothing.

Bedu had never seen her in such a state. Even when she was about to break up with her, she was waving her teeth and claws. The pain and anger were clearly written on her face. There has never been a moment like this. The sorrow is greater than the death of her heart.

"What's the matter with you? Is it he Yijun..."

"You're here?" Luo Huanhuan's voice was very light and hoarse. He pointed to the sofa opposite and asked bedu to sit down.

"What the hell happened?" Bedou looked at her anxiously. She was in her current state and said nothing had happened. It was impossible.

His eyes fell on Luo Huanhuan's stomach. A moment later, he guessed and said, "is it because of pregnancy?"

That day, Luo Huanhuan told he Yijun that her pregnancy was just a lie to him Yijun, but now that things have come to this end, bedu is very sure that she is really pregnant, not kidding.

"He Yijun ran away?" Bedou asked tentatively.

If not, Luo Huanhuan would not be like this.

Referring to he Yijun, Luo Huanhuan's eyelids finally moved, and then smiled pale and sarcastic: "well, he ran away."

He ran away with Zhu Xiaoli and will never come back.

What he once said in his ear about vows and unwavering commitments, until the end, didn't Zhu Xiaoli lose her feelings with him for so many years?

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