"Luo Huanhuan!" She dared to leave with bedu. He Yijun felt that he was going to explode with anger.

Luo Huanhuan ignored what he was shouting behind her. She was embarrassed enough now. She didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of all the guests.

He Yijun wanted to catch up, but he was stopped by someone next to him again.

"Luo Huanhuan, I said I would be responsible for you. Why don't you believe me? I've only been away for a few days. I don't contact you. I just have to. Why do you suddenly want to marry someone else? Where did you put me?"

He was so mad that he forgot his surroundings. If Luo Huanhuan insists on marrying bedu, he can't let the wedding go on even if he risks universal condemnation.

Luo Huanhuan's footsteps stopped, holding a resentment in her heart. She wanted to fight back, and her whole body trembled with anger.

Bedu stopped with her, looked back at her pale face and said, "leave him alone. Let's go first."

Staying here will only make the scene more out of control.

Lu Chunxiao looked at he Yijun, who was constantly shouting. His previous favor for him was instantly destroyed. He told the people around him: "drag him away quickly, block his mouth, and let him say a word, and you won't want to do it again!"

More and more people stopped he Yijun. Even if he Yijun wanted to say anything, he was powerless under the obstruction of these people.

He Yijun stared at the direction Luo Huanhuan followed bedu away, his eyes full of blood. He didn't have a good rest these three days. Seeing the news of Luo Huanhuan's marriage with bedu, he rushed all the way, and the whole person was about to collapse.

The people around him controlled his hands and feet, and seemed to want to lift him out of the wedding scene.

However, Luo Huanhuan and Bei Du have left. After he Yijun was taken away, Lu Chunxiao stepped onto the stage with a dark face, calmed everyone's mood, made an apology to everyone, and then made a special solemn apology to the Bei family.

"I will give you a satisfactory account of today's affairs and thank you for your appreciation." When Lu Chunxiao said this, he couldn't go on. After a few words at will, he walked off the stage.

The Luo family was also full of embarrassment. After Luo Huajing was pulled away, he took it backstage. Luo Huasheng left some people to help deal with the scene, and then left with Zhao bingyue.

Luo Huarui and Lu mengju stayed, sent the guests away one by one, and made an apology to them to deal with the follow-up.

This * * wedding ended with a hot gossip.

They can't control how people outside spread it. After returning home, the atmosphere of the Luo family becomes particularly depressed.

Lu Chunxiao was so angry that she swept all the things in her family to the ground. Her old face in her life was almost lost by Luo Huanhuan!

Luo Huanhuan sat on the sofa. Before she could take off her wedding dress, she trembled when she saw the quilt fall to the ground.

Lu Chunxiao couldn't bear the tone. He came to Luo Huanhuan and slapped her in the face.

"Tell me, what's going on, and who's the bastard in your stomach?"

Sitting next to Luo Huanhuan, Beidu was frightened. Afraid of Lu Chunxiao's hand again, he hurried forward and stopped her: "aunt Lu, have a good talk."

"Talk? What else to talk about!" When Lu Chunxiao saw bedu, he was more angry. "Didn't you follow her to cheat us?"

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