Beidu didn't have much contact with he Yijun and didn't know what kind of person he was. But from Luo Huanhuan's mouth, he Yijun and Luo Huanhuan were still with his girlfriend after they were together.

This is enough for Bedou to judge that he is a scum man.

Since he is a person with bad character, no matter what kind of things he does, it is not so difficult to understand.

"You said it was my number that sent a message to Huanhuan?" He Yijun smiled with a gloomy face and cold eyes. "Before my mobile phone fell into the sea, I never left my hand. After all, do you still think that message was sent by me?"

"Do you need me to confront you with Huanhuan's mobile phone?" Beidu narrowed his eyes. What he was most unaccustomed to was he Yijun, a coward who did it clearly but didn't admit it.

If you have the ability to do it, but you don't have the ability to admit it, it's nothing.

He Yijun's expression was stunned. Beidu didn't seem to be deliberately deceiving him.

But he has never sent such a message to Huanhuan. Why did bedu say that? And Huanhuan, why was she so anxious to marry bedu? Is the real reason also the so-called short message?

"But I see Huanhuan's character. Most of that message will not be saved, but since you sent it, it will leave traces. Even if you want to deny it, I have some ways to get the evidence out." Bedu said with a smile, but there was no temperature in the bottom of his eyes.

If he Yijun runs away like this and doesn't appear in his life, there's nothing they can do about him. However, since he came back, he also ruined the wedding and completely destroyed Luo Huanhuan's reputation, don't blame them for being merciless!

"I haven't sent such a message!" He Yijun clenched his teeth and said, for what he hasn't done, no one can try to force him to obey with any excuse.

However, there is something strange about this matter. He Yijun looked at bedu: "you can get the evidence. Just go and get it. I'll be here waiting to confront you at any time!"

His heart for Luo Huanhuan can be learned from heaven and earth. If it weren't for Zhu Xiaoli, he might have been with Luo Huanhuan long ago.

But this is no wonder Zhu Xiaoli. He knew in his heart that he was too indecisive and looked ahead and backward, which made things develop to this point.

He regretted it and admitted that he was wrong, but it was not his fault. No one wanted to force him to admit it.

"It seems that you are really a dead duck. You said yourself that no one touched your mobile phone before it fell off. Did the sea send you that message?"


He Yijun was suddenly touched by these two words. At that time, his mobile phone was robbed by Zhu Xiaoli and thrown into the sea. After all, the woman's strength was not so strong. When the mobile phone fell on the beach, he Yijun saw the sea water overflowing and inundating the mobile phone. Later, when the sea water retreated, he took some mobile phones into the sea.

But whether his mobile phone was completely taken away by the sea is not particularly clear to him.

Maybe Zhu Xiaoli took his cell phone when he turned away in anger?

Although he thought so, he Yijun didn't dare to promise. After all, no one saw the scene at that time.

Bedu looked at him with an uncertain look of surprise and sneered: "don't try to find any more excuses. It's nothing if men dare to do it or not."

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