"Know you're afraid? What do you do when you know you're afraid? You should hide away. Don't let me see you all your life. I said I wouldn't let you go. Even if I die, I'll take you on my back!"

He Yijun looked at the tears on her face and subconsciously stretched out his hand to wipe her clean: "I don't want to die with you, let alone let you have an accident. I just want to be good with you and grow old with you."

"Fuck off, who wants to grow old with you? Did I promise? You're less amorous. Who do you think you are!" Luo Huanhuan hates the way he pretends to be affectionate after paying. She was cheated by him before, otherwise she would not be deceived again and again.

He Yijun held her hands: "then what do you want me to do to calm down?"

"You die!" Luo Huanhuan stared at him and roared without thinking.

He Yijun looked at her in surprise and then fell silent.

Luo Huanhuan immediately regretted after saying this. She didn't want him to die, but she just hated him and hated him for saying that she couldn't do it. She hated that he had brought so much harm to herself.

"I..." Luo Huanhuan wanted to say something to make up for it, but he Yijun interrupted.

The man smiled again: "I can't die. If I die, what do you and your children do? I can't leave your orphans and widows in this world."

They will be bullied and he will be distressed.

His tone was firm, and his deep eyes looked at her as if to take her into his heart.

Luo Huanhuan said angrily with a cold face, "this is my child. What does it have to do with you? Don't be too self righteous."

He Yijun saw that she finally loosened her mouth and couldn't help missing her. He opened his hands around her waist, held her in his arms, and buried his chin in her shoulder: "Huanhuan, I'm sorry, I miss you so much these days."

He didn't want to go back to Luo Huanhuan all the time. He didn't want to hold her tightly and breathe her breath all the time.

He was really tired. Whether it was the entanglement with Zhu Xiaoli or anything else, this time, he didn't want to look forward and backward, but let Luo Huanhuan be hurt and left out.

"Get up, I haven't forgiven you. Don't get close to me!" Luo Huanhuan pushed him hard, but he couldn't open it anyway.

This man is so cheeky. After so many things, he has the face to say that he misses her.

If he really wanted her, he wouldn't let so many things happen.

Lu mengju and Luo Huarui looked at each other. Lu mengju felt a little embarrassed. Huanhuan forgives him? It's too easy.

It's such a big thing today that the outside can't tell how to laugh at her. She was cheated by he Yijun's words.

I really don't know what charm he Yijun has, which can make Luo Huanhuan empathize and fall in love with him, and turn her obsession with bedu for many years into a crush on he Yijun in such a short time.

Now there are so many things, the Luo family has lost so much face, and Luo Huanhuan has suffered so much. As soon as he Yijun came, a few words softened her heart.

Lu mengju shook her head secretly in her heart. Unexpectedly, she and Luo Huanhuan grew up together. She didn't know Luo Huanhuan had such a side.

Is he Yijun really Luo Huanhuan's last robbery?

"Let's go." Luo Huarui suddenly turned around and didn't want to watch any more.

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