He Yijun knows that the Luo family doesn't forgive him so easily. He can only show his greatest sincerity and maybe move Lu Chunxiao.

But he didn't know that Lu Chunxiao was not so easily moved, especially that he hurt his daughter. How could Lu Chunxiao let him go so easily.

"Everyone can speak, but no one knows what you will do in the future." Lu Chunxiao raised her head and looked at him slowly. "When is it over?"

It is an indisputable fact that Luo Huanhuan is pregnant with his child. In addition, the matter has been announced. It will not help to kill the child now.

Lu Chunxiao wants to minimize the loss by letting he Yijun marry Luo Huanhuan and letting Luo Huarui announce to the outside world that he broke up with Zhu Xiaoli long ago when he was with Luo Huanhuan.

But this is not an easy thing, because lying is easy to be exposed by Zhu Xiaoli, so he Yijun needs to deal with it.

"I've finished with her." He Yijun said.

Lu Chunxiao narrowed his eyes and obviously didn't believe what he said: "are you sure?"

"A few days after I left, I just wanted to make it clear to her that I had mentioned the breakup with her, and I made it clear to her. I believe she will understand one day."

He Yijun knows how stubborn Zhu Xiaoli is, but no matter how stubborn a person is, as long as she is given time, she can recognize the reality sooner or later and accept what has changed.

"That is to say, until now, Zhu Xiaoli has not agreed to your breakup?" Lu Chunxiao's eyes became sharp, and every sentence was interrogated coldly, as if he were trying a prisoner.

"She'll agree." He Yijun said firmly.

These days, whether in front of himself or anyone else, he is like this. Zhu Xiaoli will agree. Sooner or later, she will recognize the fact that they have already broken up and will not be entangled all the time.


Lu Chunxiao slapped on the table with a deafening sound.

"Do you think what I need now is your guarantee?"

Luo Huanhuan trembled with fear and looked nervously at he Yijun.

He Yijun is always neither humble nor arrogant. He said quietly, "I will make her obedient and won't let her talk nonsense outside."

What the Luo family is worried about is undoubtedly that he has reached an agreement with Luo Huanhuan and declared to the outside world that he has already broken up with Zhu Xiaoli. If Zhu Xiaoli suddenly jumps out to deny, it will only make the Luo family more ashamed.

Therefore, whether he Yijun can do it or not, he Yijun must first stabilize the Luo family and make them believe that he can do it.

"How can we trust you? Just by your character?" Lu Chunxiao's tone was mean and sharp to the extreme.

At this stage, she doesn't need to be polite to he Yijun.

"Mom." Luo Huanhuan finally couldn't help but speak. He was afraid that Lu Chunxiao would force he Yijun too tight. In the end, there was no way to go on with everything.

"Don't call me!" Lu Chunxiao roared. His body breath fluctuated constantly. He stared at Luo Huanhuan with hatred for iron and steel, and stretched out his hand to point at her head, "Why did I give birth to such a thing as you! Look at you now. People are neither human nor ghost. Do you know what people say about you now? I'm old and I'm scolded by those people pointing at my nose behind my back. When can you be sensible!"

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