"I..." Luo Huanhuan stood uneasy in place. Chao he Yijun looked in his eyes and seemed to ask him if anything had happened.

He Yijun shook his head with a soothing smile.

Luo Huanhuan let go and looked up at Lu Chunxiao again. Lu Chunxiao was still dissatisfied.

Unconsciously, the relationship between their mother and daughter has become alienated a lot. Luo Huanhuan feels a little uncomfortable and more wronged. He feels that Lu Chunxiao doesn't understand himself and only pays attention to his face.

But Luo Huanhuan won't say these words. What's the use of saying them? Lu Chunxiao won't care at all.

"Since there's nothing wrong, you go back." Lu Chunxiao didn't want to see them again and drove them away.

She looked upset to let them stay here.

He Yijun didn't leave immediately. After hesitating for a moment, he still planned to speak to Lu Chunxiao and said, "aunt Lu Huanhuan is pregnant and I've broken up with Zhu Xiaoli. If I can, I want to settle with Huanhuan first. After receiving the certificate, I'll do the wedding solemnly on a certain day. I hope I can get your approval."

He Yijun doesn't want to wait for a moment. Now he wants to get the certificate with Luo Huanhuan and bring Luo Huanhuan back to his home completely.

Lu Chunxiao was not surprised at his words. On the contrary, Luo Huanhuan behind him always wanted to stop talking.

Although she was destined to marry he Yijun, she is not ready now. He Yijun didn't discuss with her last night. Would it be too hasty to get the certificate like this?

But in front of Lu Chunxiao, she dared not say so. If Lu Chunxiao thought she didn't want to marry he Yijun, or didn't want to marry him at all, so as to stop them, wouldn't it be counterproductive?

He Yijun didn't seem to see Luo Huanhuan's response and still waited for Lu Chunxiao's response. It's an undeniable fact that she is destined to be his wife if Luo Huanhuan agrees or not.

"I'd better wait for this. It's a little too hasty to get the certificate now." Lu Chunxiao is much more calm than Luo Huanhuan. It seems that he Yijun has long expected that he Yijun will ask her to get the certificate with Luo Huanhuan.

Lu Chunxiao didn't immediately promise. In what Yijun expected, he just had no bottom in his heart.

You know, if Lu Chunxiao really doesn't agree with Luo Huanhuan to marry him, as long as she says a word, Luo Huanhuan's baby may be knocked out. The next day, Lu Chunxiao can find someone to marry Luo Huanhuan.

This is one of the reasons why he can't wait to get Lu Chunxiao's approval.

"Go back first." There was a trace of fatigue in Lu Chunxiao's tone, and he didn't seem to want to talk with him anymore.

He Yijun, who still wanted to say something, could only hold back his stomach, nodded, got up and left with Luo Huanhuan.

Luo Huanhuan followed he Yijun downstairs. He Yijun didn't speak. Luo Huanhuan was very nervous. What happened just now made her feel that he Yijun didn't talk smoothly with her mother, otherwise her mother wouldn't refuse his request.

During the period when she didn't go in, what did they talk about? He Yijun won't be angry about it. Don't you want her?

Luo Huanhuan doesn't know whether every pregnant woman likes to think nonsense. Now she can't control herself. All kinds of thoughts emerge in her mind. She can't stop at all.

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