He Yijun frowned. If he had a clue, he wouldn't ask them both.

"What are you talking about?" At this time, Luo Huasheng came down from upstairs. Zhao bingyue looked back at him and told him in a few words about he Yijun's proposal to Luo Huanhuan.

Luo Huasheng sat next to Zhao bingyue and didn't intend to participate in the discussion. His own experience was limited. After all, he had only one woman, Zhao bingyue. When he married her, he didn't even have a proposal ceremony.

"It's too late for me to give her a sense of security. But I can't stop the process of getting married with her for two days," he said

He Yijun feels headache when he thinks of it, but his heart is also sweet.

Luo Huanxi felt numb and said, "this move of Versailles dog food almost blew me up."

Zhao bingyue asked Luo Huanxi, "do you have any good ideas?"

Zhao bingyue has limited ideas in her mind. They are all the routines of rotten streets commonly used in TV dramas. She is embarrassed to say it.

Luo Huanxi is young and has a jumping mind. Maybe he will have a good idea.

Everyone looked at her. Luo Huanxi picked up the banana on the table and peeled it. While eating, he said, "what good idea can I have, but the proposal that girls want is grand, romantic and memorable. It's OK for your brother-in-law to decorate in this direction."

"How can it be grand, romantic and memorable?" He Yijun doesn't quite understand. They are used to being lawyers. In addition, they have lived a light life with Zhu Xiaoli over the years. There is no romance.

"I don't understand." Luo Huanxi shook his head. "As you said, my cousin is easy to feel insecure. She just wants a man to show that he loves her very much. How to define this love for her? Of course, it's the rich who smashed all their wealth to her, like you..."

Luo Huanxi looked at he Yijun and couldn't go on.

He Yijun may be very rich, but no matter how rich he is, he is afraid that he can't compare with their Luo family, which doesn't exist. He Yijun gives all his wealth to Luo Huanhuan.

Besides, what other precious things does he Yijun have that others don't have? Is it the code he has treasured for many years?

Luo Huanxi quickly shook his head, got rid of the terrible laws and regulations in his mind, and then said, "if you really have no idea, you can refer to my cousin's wedding with bedu. The wedding scene should be the design my cousin dreams of."

He Yijun's face was a little black. He couldn't hear the name bedu.

And Luo Huanxi didn't know that the wedding scene of Luo Huanhuan and bedu took only two days to build. Luo Huanhuan didn't have any suggestions at all.

The wedding scene is not so much her dream place as the romance of the wedding planner, which has nothing to do with Luo Huanhuan.

"No." He Yijun rejected her proposal without thinking.

"I think instead of sitting here and guessing, we might as well find someone to explore the happy tone, and maybe we can see something." Zhao bingyue suggested.

People have different ideas. Maybe they think what Luo Huanhuan likes is not so surprising and amazing for Luo Huanhuan.

It is not romantic to have a big wave, but not deep in memory. Luo Huanhuan still has the final say in the matter.

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