"Forget it." Luo Huanhuan pouted and said, "if I don't come with you, who will pass you the stone and you will die here. What about me and the child?"

She didn't come in vain.

He Yijun smiled: "in this way, I have to thank you very much, my life-saving benefactor."

Luo Huanhuan snorted proudly, "just know."

In the morning, the sun shines brightly. Even if the trees on the path block out the sun, the sun shines from among the branches.

But now, the sun is slanting to the west, and the sun is blocked by clouds and branches and leaves of trees. The path suddenly becomes gloomy.

The sound of insects everywhere, quiet and inexplicable, makes people feel flustered.

Luo Huanhuan looked around warily, as if afraid that something would suddenly appear somewhere.

Walking, the light is getting darker and darker.

Luo Huanhuan looked at the surrounding scenery, slowly frowned and asked he Yijun: "did we go the wrong way? Haven't we been to this place?"

He Yijun stopped, put Luo Huanhuan down and looked around: "no, this is the road we took before we came."

"Are you sure?" Luo Huanhuan doesn't believe it.

"Did we meet a fork in the road on our way back?" He Yijun asked her.

Luo Huanhuan thought for a moment. She couldn't remember. She didn't notice.

"Keep going." He Yijun squatted down in front of her. If they don't hurry back, they won't see the way.

In fact, it's not too late, but because this is the forest boundary, in the afternoon, it's as quiet and terrible as the night.

"I'll go myself." Luo Huanhuan was recited by him for a long time and loved him.

"What if you fall? Don't make trouble. Come on." He Yijun insisted.

There are not only a lot of weeds on the ground, but also dead branches. In case she stumbles accidentally, it is him who cares.

Luo Huanhuan couldn't resist him, so he had to go back to his back.

The two men continued on their way. In order to dispel their fear, Luo Huanhuan lowered his voice and whispered in his ear, "have you finished your investigation? Will you come again tomorrow?"

If he Yijun wants to come back tomorrow, she won't come with him, so as not to drag him back.

"I don't know. Let's see." He Yijun wants to come again, but he doesn't trust to leave Luo Huanhuan alone in the hotel.

If he had known, he would have brought one more person. Luo Huanhuan also had a companion. During the day, they could go to Swan Lake. He could also come alone to find the location monitored more than ten years ago.

Luo Huanhuan lay on his shoulder and suddenly felt sleepy: "if you want to come, remember not to put all your self-defense tools in your bag and bring some with you. In case you encounter something similar today, you can deal with it calmly."

Luo Huanhuan is afraid that he will get hurt and even more afraid that he will lose him.


"What kind of case are you investigating and why do you come to such a place?" Luo Huanhuan thought that they were almost in danger, so he wanted to let he Yijun terminate the cooperative relationship with his employer. "Did the company send you?"

"Ask so much about what to do." He Yijun didn't answer positively. He is working for Luo Huasheng now, but everyone only knows that the task he Yijun took over is related to the company's business. No one would want Luo Huasheng to ask him to secretly investigate the truth of his parents' death.

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