The rescuers rushed over at the sound and saw he Yijun, who was almost submerged in the mud. Everyone was frightened and took action quickly.

With them, Luo Huanhuan was relieved, but she cried even more.

If they don't come again, she really can't hold on. She has even thought about burying herself in this mud forever with he Yijun.

Someone helped her up and covered her with a thick blanket.

"Miss, come here and have a rest first." The other party brought some food. After so long, both of them were out of strength.

But le Huanhuan couldn't care so much. She insisted on standing in place and watching them rescue. She had to see he Yijun rescued with her own eyes before she could feel at ease.

The rescuers had similar rescue experience and pulled he Yijun out of the mud in an orderly manner.

Luo Huanhuan saw that he Yijun's body was exposed a little, and his tight heart gradually relaxed.

As soon as her heart relaxed, she suddenly lost consciousness and fell into darkness.


Luo Huanhuan had a long nightmare in which he Yijun left her. Luo Huanhuan held his body and looked for a doctor everywhere to save him.

The doctor cooperated to give him an infusion and injection and give him medicine. Luo Huanhuan sat next to him and waited and waited. He never woke him up.

When he finally woke up, Luo Huanhuan only saw his soul floating in the air and asked her where she wanted to go.

Luo Huanhuan kept crying. She wanted her soul to return to his body and begged him not to leave.

He Yijun seems to be unable to hear, slowly floating out of the hospital, yearning for freedom and floating out towards the dazzling place of the sun.

Luo Huanhuan kept chasing him, but no matter how he chased him, he couldn't catch him, but his stomach suddenly hurt.

She quickly covered her stomach, but it was too late. The child suddenly fell down, fell to the ground and turned into a mass of blood

"Ah -" Luo Huanhuan screamed and woke up. She was still immersed in that terrible dream, and her consciousness gradually returned. Luo Huanhuan noticed that she was lying in the hospital bed at the moment.

"He Yijun!" Luo Huan was in a hurry to open the quilt and get out of bed. However, before she put on her shoes, a man's voice came next to her, "Huanhuan." With an extremely spoiled tone.

Luo Huanhuan suddenly turned back and looked at he Yijun lying on the bed next door with a bleary expression. The tears in his eyes rolled down in an instant.

"He Yijun..." she rushed to he Yijun's side and held his hand tightly. "How are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He Yijun held her in his arms and held her hand tightly. "I said it would be fine."

His voice was so real, and his temperature was also real. Luo Huanhuan's heart relaxed slowly, raised his head and looked at him in tears: "you were saved? I'm really not dreaming?"

He Yijun shook his head and took her hand up: "if you don't believe it, you can pinch me to see if it's a dream."

Luo Huanhuan was reluctant, afraid to pinch him.

"Huanhuan," he Yijun whispered in her ear with a slightly hoarse voice, "when we get back, let's get married."

He can't wait any longer. He just wants to become husband and wife with Luo Huanhuan and live together all his life.

Luo Huanhuan nodded desperately, regardless of his secular eyes and his sense of ceremony. As long as he Yijun was still alive, she would marry him when she died.

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