He Yijun's adoptive father elongated his face and didn't want to hear more from her.

Smelly old man, if he Yijun is raised by himself, he can tell his choice.

Luo Huan was also dissatisfied with her joy. She said so much that she was aggressive.

"Uncle, I know you are also for the good of he Yijun, but you still don't know our young people well enough. Anyway, I hope you can see us coming to see you on such a long plane. Don't make everyone unhappy."

He Yijun's adoptive father stared: "who did you say made everyone unhappy?"

He has never seen such a cunning girl who can bring down a rake!

"Uncle, you are not young. You should be more open-minded about everything. He Yijun is very happy with me. As his adoptive father, don't you want him to be happy?"

He Yijun's adoptive father looked at the sophistry girl and wanted someone to drive her out.

"You don't want to convince me anything, daughter-in-law. I only believe that Zhu Xiaoli, you can't compare with her at all!"

The old man is not pleasant at all!

Luo Huanhuan endured and said with a smile, "yes, yes, I can't compare with her in nanny. But my uncle has so many children. If you want Zhu Xiaoli to be your daughter-in-law, there's no need to catch he Yijun and marry him."

"You..." he Yijun's adoptive father stood up and slapped the table, "you girl, you really don't know shame at all!"

He is also bold to accuse him in his house. What is she!

Luo Huanhuan was startled by him. It was terrible for his old hair to catch fire.

She immediately hid in the arms of he Yijun, who also cooperated to protect her.

This scene made he Yijun's adoptive father feel particularly dazzling. He immediately pointed to he Yijun and said, "you loosen her!"

He Yijun also felt that Luo Huanhuan's words were too much, but he couldn't let him release her.

"Dad, Huanhuan and I really love each other and really hope to get your blessing. Xiaoli and I are in the past. I believe she can come out. As my family, you should stand behind me."

He had no parents since childhood and most wanted to be recognized by his adoptive parents. He didn't disappoint them for so many years, but this one thing.

But he has no way to give in. If you let him give up Luo Huanhuan, it's better to let him give up his life.

"You are still stubborn!" He Yijun's adoptive father immediately felt a headache and his breathing became heavy. "Well, I can't control you. Whatever you do!"

He walked upstairs with his hands on his back and was brought down by he Yijun's adoptive mother.

He Yijun's adoptive mother stood aside. Although she couldn't understand what they said, she could roughly understand what had happened.

She whispered in foreign language with he Yijun's adoptive father.

When Luo Yijun saw them sitting downstairs, he Yihuan didn't know what to do. He Yijun didn't know if they were sitting back.

This time, his eyes fell on Luo Huanhuan's face and asked her in strange Chinese: "what do you see in my son?"

The girl in front of me has fair skin and famous brands. She doesn't look like a girl from an ordinary family.

He Yijun had no father or mother since childhood. Although he was raised by them, he has never asked for a penny from his family since he went to college.

They will not let him inherit the inheritance. He Yijun's future must rely on his own hands.

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