He has no relatives here and works in Luoshi group. It is also convenient to buy the villa nearby.

"Let's go now." Luo Huanhuan was excited. They were finally going to have their own house.

The two drove to the nearby villas. The Luo family lives in the top rich area of D City, and the prices of the surrounding villas are also very high.

If he Yijun didn't know each other and was a second-hand villa, he might not be able to buy it so easily.

The villa brings a garden, which is much smaller than Luo's family, not even as big as two rooms. Fortunately, the environment is quiet, and the layout of the house is also in line with Luo Huanhuan's wishes.

"I like it." Luo Huanhuan stood at the door and couldn't restrain his excitement.

"Go in and have a look." He Yijun held her hand and took her inside. "The original owner of this family, because of family affairs, immigrated abroad some time ago, so he wanted to sell the villa."

He Yijun told Luo Huanhuan about the former owner of the villa.

"I have filed a lawsuit against the male owner of this family, and the male owner also appreciates me. I heard that he wants to sell the house, and I want to buy the house. We hit it off immediately, and he also gave me the lowest price and transferred the house to me."

Just because he didn't have so much money, he had to consult with the owner of the house and live in the villa in the form of rent a few years ago.

When he has money, he will buy the house.

The male host was very talkative, and they were not short of money, so they agreed first.

He Yijun opened the door with a key. The villa has been built for more than ten years. Some parts of the wall began to age, but the whole is still very good.

The decoration in the house is concise and noble. Except that it is full of traces of other people's living, it basically has no shortcomings.

"Let's take this as our wedding room?" Luo Huanhuan was very satisfied with this place. After visiting for a week, he finally made up his mind.

Although the villa is not as big as their second room, the egg is always bigger than her room.

There are three floors above and below the villa. The basement on the first floor can be converted into a chess and card room, a parking garage and a servant's room.

The first floor is the living room, kitchen, elderly room and two guest rooms.

The second floor is the master's room, a total of three, the master bedroom, the second bedroom and the children's room.

Although there is no way to compare with the Luo family, Luo Huanhuan is already very satisfied.

How happy it is to have your own independent villa in the rich area!

Luo Huanhuan never thought that she would spend money. She never thought that she would be short of money before.

But since she met he Yijun, I don't know if she was infected by him. She also gradually thrifty and thrifty.

It's not that he Yijun is so stingy and saves everywhere, but that she wants to save some money for he Yijun. Anyway, the money will be hers in the future. They can use the money to do other things.

"Of course." The reason why he Yijun rented here in a hurry is that he hopes to transform it into a wedding room before the wedding.

Luo Huanhuan came to the master bedroom. She had never seen the original owner of the villa and didn't know what their character was.

But when she saw the white wall, she subconsciously didn't like it.

"What do you want our wedding house to be like?" He Yijun holds her hand. He has found workers. As long as Luo Huanhuan speaks, they can work at any time and transform this place into Luo Huanhuan's dream home.

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