He Yijun looked at her indifferently. He seemed to think she was coming to make trouble, so his eyes looked at her with some hostility and vigilance.

They once loved each other so much and were close. The vows and sweet words he once said in her ear look like a joke.

And she believed it, and believed it for so long, she was a fool.

"So what exactly do you want me to do today?" He Yijun asked her.

Zhu Xiaoli suddenly felt sour. She quietly endured and endured, and finally endured her tears.

"He Yijun, do you remember what you said to me when we first got together?"

He Yijun stared at her quietly. His eyes seemed to say that you are making trouble again.

He may have forgotten, or he may not care at all.

Zhu Xiaoli looked up with tears in her eyes, but she still smiled sweetly.

"I know you haven't forgotten, and I know you don't want to recall. It's just a bad past for you now."

"I have never denied our past." He Yijun interrupted her, "but everyone is moving forward. Xiao Li, I don't want you to live in the past. I also believe you will find someone who really loves you. He will love you more than I do. The person you are destined to be is not me."

"Really?" Zhu Xiaoli's voice became hoarse. She said with some self mockery, "do you know what I most regretted some time ago? I most regretted that when we finally separated, I used the most disgraceful way of crying, making trouble and hanging, trying to force you to stay with me. But facts have proved that once a man changes his heart, he will never care about the life or death of that woman."

He Yijun's eyes darkened and said solemnly, "you won't do anything stupid."

Although he hurt her, Zhu Xiaoli is not an irrational silly woman. Their breakup may be difficult for her to accept for the moment, but she will figure it out sooner or later.

She is different from Luo Huanhuan in this regard.

"What if I did?" Zhu Xiaoli looked at him, and her tone was suddenly very serious. "What can you do if I really did something stupid? Will you continue to hold a wedding with Luo Huanhuan and live happily with her all your life?"

"I don't want to discuss these meaningless assumptions with you." He Yijun's eyes turned away irritably, and his mood couldn't calm down gradually.

"Is it really meaningless?" Zhu Xiaoli's voice was very quiet. It seemed that she was just a wisp of soul.

He Yijun couldn't help but turn his head and look at her, as if he wanted to confirm that she was indeed a living person and that nothing had happened.

"I kind of want to know if you loved me at the beginning. After meeting Luo Huanhuan, did you change your heart or suddenly find out that the person you love is her?" Asked Zhu Xiaoli.

She has been with he Yijun for so many years and knows him very well.

He Yijun is not a half hearted scum man. When they were together, he was really good to her, but Zhu Xiaoli never seemed to feel it. He really loved himself.

"I love her." He Yijun answered for a moment.

His tone was as firm as ever, just like his love for Luo Huanhuan.

Zhu Xiaoli's tears fell down for no reason, and she didn't even have the slightest precaution.

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