She was surprised and secretly said that she had to fall to the ground and face up. Then everyone in the restaurant will see it and everyone will laugh at her, right?

Qian Ranran's heart had begun to despair, and her eyes closed hard. At this time, a pair of powerful hands hugged her waist, and Qian Ranran's body fell into the man's arms.

The familiar faint fragrance from the man floated into her nose. Qian Ranran felt a little comfortable because she was dizzy after drinking too much wine.

When she was sure that her body would not fall to the ground or be ridiculed, Qian Ranran slowly opened her eyes and looked at Luo Huarui who held her in her arms.

The heart beat violently without warning, and a flower came out quietly somewhere in her heart.

Qian Ranran looked at him quietly for a long time, from his shaped chin to his reddish lips, as well as the tip of his strong nose and black eyebrows.

Especially his dark eyes, which are not bottomed out, seem to be able to roll the whole person in.

At that moment, they didn't know whether she really drank too much. Qian Ranran had no way to know. She looked into the man's eyes like a wolf, as if she was going to eat him.

"Can you go back with me?" The man's voice is deep and pleasant, showing the steadiness and reliability of a mature man.

No woman can refuse to leave with him. What's more, Jie Ranran knows that he will never do anything to himself.

This man is a gentleman who is old-fashioned and won't take advantage of it. Just people want to jump on him and let him obey.

"Don't go back." Qian Ranran said something against her heart and looked at the wine on the table. "I want to stay here and drink. Don't worry about me."

"Be obedient." Luo Huarui frowned, as if he was not too satisfied with her willfulness.

Su Beichen recovered. Seeing the two people holding together, he felt that the duck he was about to get flew and was robbed by another competitor.

"You let her go!" Subei City wanted to rob people. Just about to do it, Luo Huarui grabbed his wrist with great strength.

"Ah! You let go, let go of me!" The man screamed. Unexpectedly, there was such a great difference in power between the two.

Luo Huarui let him go. He didn't want to get into trouble. That doesn't mean he can let this clown teach his tricks in front of him all the time.

"Stay away from her." Luo Huarui warned him again, then picked up Qian Ranran and walked in the direction of the elevator.

"Hey, you stop, you can't take her!" Su Beichen still shouted behind him, "if you dare to take her away, I'll call the police now!"

Luo Huarui stopped, slowly turned around and looked at him coldly: "you report."

Su Beichen didn't understand what he meant. Did he hold it? Hold what? Hold money?

Without waiting for him to figure it out, Luo Huarui left with Qian Ranran in his arms.

Su Beichen looked at their back and became angry. He wanted to catch up, but he was afraid of the powerful power of men.

If you really want to start, he may not be the man's opponent.

Maybe he really wants to watch him take the money away?

Su Beichen took a look at his mobile phone and released his cruel words just now, but he really wanted him to call the police, but he didn't dare.

That man obviously came with Qian Ranran. It's a big deal. Maybe the clown is really him.

Subei City threw the clothes on the chair on the ground, venting in the strange eyes of others.

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