"Luo Huarui..." Qian Ranran just wanted to say something, and the rest was swallowed by the man.

Qian Ranran was cunning at the beginning and didn't know what to do. Until now, the whole person is addicted to it and can't control himself.

Her mind suddenly remembered what had happened in his room last time. Everything was so familiar and so far away.

Now, the same story is staged again. She has no heartbreaking pain, only endless pleasure.

The night in a foreign country can also be so intoxicated with dreams.

Qian Ranran didn't really believe that she was really drunk until this moment.

She had a long, long dream. In the dream, she and Luo Huarui formed a family. They lived next to a small lake, where they had their house, beautiful willow trees, big white geese and a vegetable field they planted.

The children ran around at her and Luo Huarui's feet. They were all her and Luo Huarui's children.

She was hugged and kissed by Luo Huarui while making the children pay attention to their safety.

Beautiful dreams are always short.

When Qian Ranran woke up, it was already light outside.

She just wanted to move. Her whole body was aching. Who was pressing her body.

She turned her head and saw Luo Huarui, who was sleeping next to her. The man was still asleep. His handsome facial features were particularly attractive even in his sleep.

Qian Ranran's eyes kept moving down and landed on his collarbone, with many traces left by her.

Qian Ranran immediately bites her hand, and her face is too red.

The whole process of last night was replayed again in her mind. For a time, she was more red in the face and ashamed.

When Luo Huarui opened her eyes, she saw her head lowered and moving constantly, like shyness and self monologue in her heart.

Luo Huarui caught some bright smiles in his eyes, grabbed her moving hand and put it on his chest: "wake up?"

Qian Ranran looked up at him and was almost choked by his saliva.

"You... When did you wake up?"

Luo Huarui sighed when he saw her shyness.

Not to mention that last night was not their first time, even if they were honest, how could she be... So shy?

"When you're doing psychological construction." Luo Huarui hooked his lips, got up and opened the quilt.

"Are you leaving?" Qian Ranran sat up nervously and looked at him anxiously.

It's not the first time they've pretended that nothing happened afterwards.

Qian Ranran has made all preparations for this trip, but seeing him leave without hesitation, Qian Ranran's heart still seems to have been scratched by a knife.

Luo Huarui stopped and turned around. At the moment, Qian Ranran immediately covered her eyes with both hands: "you... You..."

Luo Huasheng picked up his pants on the ground, put them on in twos and threes, and then sat next to the bed waiting for her to open her eyes.

When Qian Ranran didn't hear anything, she slowly released her hands and saw the man smiling.

"I... I was just scared." Qian Ranran defends herself.

That kind of visual impact, even if they have been there, not everyone can adapt at once.

"I'm sorry." Luo Huarui apologized to her and his attitude was acceptable.

"Nothing." Qian Ranran subconsciously replied, very polite.

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