Shareholders of the company?!

The news shocked everyone.

They always thought that another shareholder of the company was an old man, but they didn't expect such a young and beautiful beauty.

The original fantasy, because Qian Ranran's identity was suddenly destroyed.

"It seems that you can't work with beautiful colleagues."

"What colleagues? They are shareholders and our boss."

Many people want to cry without tears, and their hearts can't help sighing. What a pity!

Qian Ranran said a few words symbolically, and then someone dared to ask her for her micro signal.

"Mr. Qian, can you add your wechat? Can we find you directly if we have something to do in the future?"

Qian Ranran didn't say anything, but Ang Lee around her turned black first.

"Don't think you can put away the signals you don't want."

"Mr. Li, where do you think of going? Even if we really have any ideas, we don't dare to say it." Several people said ha ha.

Qian Ranran didn't take their words to heart and said with a smile, "thank you. Although I am one of the shareholders of the company, I am not responsible for the specific matters of the company. If you have any ideas and problems, you can go to President Li. President Li has plenty of time."

Of course, the girls want to find him. Unfortunately, President Li is always fierce. They are not easy to get close, and the boys don't want to find him, but who makes him the boss.

"Well, if there's nothing wrong, let's go back to work. We leave work a little earlier in the evening. We always invite everyone to dinner."

Ang Lee's words fell, and the employees who had been lost suddenly became boiling.

"Dinner, dinner!"

"I know the beautiful boss is very nice. What shall we eat tonight?"

Seeing that everyone was happy, Qian Ranran swept away her depression.

She didn't have her own office. She stayed in Ang Lee's office for a day and looked at the work status of the employees and the operation of the company.

"Well, have you been moved by my talent?" Ang Lee put his hand on her shoulder and looked a little proud.

"Put your hand down." Qian Ranran glanced at him and pushed the document forward. "I heard you have another girlfriend recently?"

Ang Lee sighed a long time and sat opposite her: "what girlfriend, just a female companion, you know, men are inevitably lonely and cold at night..."

Qian Ranran sniffed with disdain.

Ang Lee leaned over with a smile: "but seriously, if you want to be with me, I can quit other women for you and live a good life with you."

Qian Ranran reached out and refused him: "don't do this. I've never been in the habit of persuading people to be good. What should you do or what should you do?"

"After all, you still don't want to promise me." Ang Lee took a sip of coffee and looked frustrated. "I don't understand. You don't reject my indulgent life. Why can't you accept me?"

Qian ran blackened his face, picked up the document in his hand and hit him on the head: "if you want to go on, believe it or not, I'll go now."

"Just kidding!" Ang Lee immediately made up for it. "When did Miss Qian stop joking?"

Qian Ranran stared at the document again: "this is no joke? The emotional thing is not that you like me, I will like you..."

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