He hasn't told the Luo family about their relationship, and how should she introduce him to Ang Lee and others as her boyfriend?

There's no way to say it.

Do you want her to say that he is her ordinary friend?

Qian Ranran never felt that they would be so embarrassed and hard to talk about each other's identity.

Friends are not friends, boyfriend and girlfriend are not boyfriend and girlfriend, neither kind nor kind.

"If you finish eating, eat with me." Luo Huarui continued.

See what he means, if she doesn't report the place name today, he won't hang up.

Qian Ranran feels impulsive and wants to hang up directly several times to see how he can find himself.

"Or, aunt Qian should know where you eat." Luo Huarui added.

It's starting to threaten her!

Qian ran closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and tells him the place name.

"I don't know what you're going to do." Jie Ranran said he was speechless. When he was so tired, he had to come here to have dinner with them. He didn't know what he wanted to do.

"I'll be here soon." Luo Huarui then hung up the phone.

Qian Ranran looks at the mobile phone that has stopped the screen, and her mood is extremely complicated.

Because of his arrival, he felt a little excited, but he was worried about how to explain to Ang Lee and them later. He was more afraid that Luo Huarui's arrival would be incompatible with them and make the atmosphere awkward.

Qian Ranran lingered until someone called her behind her. Qian Ranran returned to the box with a farfetched smile.

"What's the call? It's been so long?" Ang Lee saw the woman who came back and asked clearly.

He poured a cup of Shaojiu into his stomach, and the warm wine flowed into his stomach. In an instant, it burned all his internal organs.

Qian Ranran pondered how to explain. After a while, she said, "well, a friend of mine will pass by. He didn't eat. Do you mind if I bring him here to eat?"

Ang Lee smiled without saying anything, and his eyes had already seen through everything.

The others followed the coax and said, "do you mind if you don't mind, what friend, isn't it Qian's boyfriend?"

A group of people laughed.

Qian Ranran quickly stopped them: "it's a... It's a relative. Don't think about it."

Are boyfriend and girlfriend relatives? You can't tell them they are lovers directly!

"Relatives?" Everyone grabbed this keyword and asked her with a smile, "is that a man or a woman, bigger or smaller than money?"

"Our money is so beautiful, so should our relatives. If they are handsome, can you introduce them to me?"

"What if it's a beauty? Has Qian ever considered letting your relatives work in the company?"

"Come on, if you want to get the month first, you have to see if others can see you!"

Everyone was in a mess, and the atmosphere was particularly lively.

Qian Ranran relaxed a little. She smiled and watched everyone chat, but she remembered where Luo Huarui had been now?

Many of their daily materials are made now. We eat and chat while others are playing games. The time is not so hard.

Before long, someone knocked on the door outside the box, and the voice of the waiter followed: "Hello, there is a guest outside, Miss Ranran, for change."

Qian Ranran looked up at the door. Luo Huarui was still standing there, wearing a dark gray suit, tall and long legs, superior temperament, and a beautiful carved face, which immediately surprised everyone in the box.

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