"Not only that, but also excellent personality. Throughout the whole D City, there are only a few good men who are not married, and even fewer are single without girlfriends. People who are clean like Luo Huarui are rare. I really don't know what else you have to choose."

"Mom, I admit he is excellent, but I'm not bad. Why do you always do this? It seems that the whole world will collapse without him. Can you not belittle me and elevate him like this?" Qian Ranran angrily goes upstairs and doesn't want to say another word with Mrs. Qian.

"You child, a good man depends on yourself. You ignore him today. Tomorrow, when someone marries someone else and goes home, it depends on who you are looking for to cry!" Mrs. Qian shouted in the back. It's rare to see Qian Ranran's attitude so tough.

Qian Ranran returns to the room, throws herself on the bed and lies there, full of Luo Huarui.

Is she possessed? Why do you always care about him so much? They are almost finished. Why is she still so reluctant to let go?

Qian Ranran was so upset that she took out her mobile phone and unconsciously opened Luo Huarui's wechat page. When she was about to enter the content, she suddenly stopped and realized what she was doing. The whole person was about to collapse.

Qian Ranran, Qian Ranran, can you be a little promising? Don't be so cheap. If your mother says a few words, you can't help contacting others. Are you so worried that others won't see your hospitality?

Qian Ranran buries her head in the quilt, constantly blames herself and annoys herself, and wants to completely dig Luo Huarui out of her mind.

Then her cell phone rang.

Qian Ranran made a move. When she picked up her mobile phone, she was startled.

Luo Huarui?!

Qian ran takes a closer look. Luo Huarui's three big characters appear in her eyes.

Qian Ranran suddenly sat up from the bed and confirmed that she was not hallucinating. After taking a few deep breaths, she picked up her mobile phone and put it in her ear. She pretended to be calm and calm and said, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I'm downstairs. Do you want me to go in or come out by yourself?"

Qian Ranran's heart beat faster. She jumped out of bed and looked out of the window. Downstairs, Luo Huarui's car stopped at the door. He stood in front of the door with one hand in his pocket and was talking to her on the phone.

Qian Ranran bit her lip and tried to calm the excitement of his sudden arrival.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you say we'll talk later?" Qian Ranran was so angry that she thought she would forgive him if she waited for her at her door?

She's not that easy to coax!

"I've thought about it. I really did something wrong. Such a cold war is not good for us, so you come out and we'll find a place to have a good talk."

Luo Huarui regretted when he left Qian Ranran's company. He just endured not contacting her. After thinking over and over again, he decided to come over.

"There's nothing to talk about." Qian Ranran whispered. Despite that, she put on her coat. "I'll come out right away. Don't come in."

If he comes in, her mother knows. She doesn't know how excited she will be. She doesn't know if she will leave him at home tonight.

She knows her mother's virtue better than anyone else.

Outside the door, Luo Huarui finally breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

Her willingness to come out to see him showed that their relationship had not become too bad.

Qian Ran Ran Ran Ran went downstairs in a hurry and was stopped by Mrs. Qian.

"Ranran, it's so late. Where are you going?"

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