"Luo Huarui, I don't want to deceive myself and others. I also hope you can be honest. Falling in love with someone is not a disgrace. Even if she is married and has children, you can continue to hide this love in your heart and no one will laugh at you. But it's unfair for me that you are with me before you completely forget someone."

She doesn't need anyone's charity. She just wants a pure love.

Believing in love is not a sin, but deceiving yourself is the greatest sin.

The smile on Luo Huarui's face slowly faded down. Although the secret hidden in his heart for so many years had already been pierced, this was the first time Qian Ranran mentioned it to him without taboo.

He doesn't like the feeling.

"Qian Ranran, what do I think in my heart? You won't know, and you'll never know."

Even if he really can't forget Zhao bingyue, it's not something Qian Ranran can casually mention.

"Yes, after all, I'm not a roundworm in your stomach. How can I know what you think? But Luo Huarui, how long will you go against your sincerity?"

Qian Ranran looked at his face and felt that she was about to lose her breath.

From a very early time, she knew that Luo Huarui had a person he would never love, a woman she would never be able to compete with.

But she naively thought that she still had a chance.

Now it seems that she is too stupid, and she is too self righteous, which will lead to today's ending.

"I can't promise you anything, but Qian Ranran, since I have promised to start with you, it can't end so easily. We can all take our time. Everything has a process, and it's too late."

Luo Huarui stared into her eyes with unprecedented seriousness.

"That's what you think." Qian Ranran breathed deeply. "If I had known you were such a bully, I wouldn't have chosen you."

Qian Ranran clenched her fist. She was ready to pay for her rash and sincere price. Even if she fell to pieces in the end, she didn't care.

Luo Huarui never wanted to completely break their relationship.

"I know you're in a bad mood today. We don't need to talk about it. I'll take you back first." Luo Huarui stood up.

Qian Ranran refused him. Now she doesn't want to stay with him for a moment.

"No, I have legs to walk, and I have brains to make my own choices. I don't need any sympathy, let alone charity from anyone."

After Qian Ranran finished, she turned and left. Her steps were faster and faster, as if she was afraid of being caught up by the people behind her.

Luo Huarui frowned. He didn't let her leave alone. He soon caught up with her and grabbed her hand: "Qian Ranran, I know you're not a willful person. I also tell you, I've never treated a girl with such care as I do now. I don't know what you think in your heart, but I hope you can take it as soon as it's good. It's no good for both of us to spend it like this."

The man's strength is very strong, and his wrist hurts a lot.

She looked at him with red eyes, wronged and angry, and wanted to draw back her hand again and again: "what do you mean, do you think I can't live without you? Luo Huarui, no one in the world can live without anyone, just like you can live without Zhao bingyue, and so can I."

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