"Get out of here!" Luo Huarui gave a low roar. Seeing Li anchong's drowning look at Qian Ranran, he felt something delicious and his expression was gloomy.

The man was arrogant. As a result, he didn't get anything good. Instead, he suffered this torture.

Next to him, a waiter took out his cell phone and slapped him in the face. The man couldn't lose his face. He got up from the ground and said, "wait for me, I won't let you go!"

"You have the ability not to go. Why don't you let us go here!" Jie Ranran tries to hold him.

However, the man trembled, as if afraid of being entangled by her. He smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away in a hurry. While sliding, he didn't forget to say cruel words: "wait for me, wait!"

Qian Ranran: "... Does this person know this sentence?"

It's too stupid!

Luo Huarui walked over quietly and pulled her to his side: "are you really going to let him stay and make it clear?"

It's not necessarily a good thing for such people to push him.

What's more, he made a move on Huanxi. If this kind of thing spread, it would be bad for Luo Huanxi's reputation.

A little discipline is enough.

"Hum!" Qian Ranran snorted and flushed with anger. "If you don't give him a hard lesson, he will only ride on your head and bully you. You can't show weakness to them, let alone give him some sweets!"

Ang Lee said softly: "you seem to have experienced it."

With Qian Ranran's personality, even if someone really has an evil intention towards her, she has long been repaired by her and wants to die.

"Who says I haven't experienced it? Am I not a girl?" Qian Ranran immediately went back.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Qian Ranran noticed that Luo Huarui's face was not quite right.

She immediately restrained herself and smiled softly, "I'm kidding."

"This kind of thing can also be joked?" Luo Huarui asked her.

He was not angry because she joked, but because of the sentence of Qianran. Isn't she a girl?

So, has she ever experienced such a thing? To gradually develop such a character?

Luo Huarui can't imagine how helpless and helpless a girl like Jie Ranran is when she meets such a thing.

My heart suddenly tingled, and my eyes became cold.

"I'm sorry, but this kind of thing..." Qian Ranran's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally didn't go on.

In fact, what she wants to say is that this kind of thing is indeed very common. Almost every girl has encountered it, but the severity of the plot is different.

Some people are just touched. Although the other party feels like unintentional, it can still cause disgust to girls.

Of course, some people are bold enough to make bolder moves towards girls, but they don't come to a good end in the end.

In addition to these situations, some men like to harass with words. Qian Ranran once encountered this situation, but she scolded them back in the end.

But unexpectedly, Luo Huarui misunderstood what grievances she had suffered because of her words, and silently distressed her for a long time.

"Brother, why do you say that, sister-in-law? Your men just don't care about the living environment of our girls!" Luo Huanxi took Qian Ranran's arm and said happily, "sister-in-law, don't pay attention to my brother. He is such a person and doesn't understand the style at all. You were so handsome just now that I wanted to follow up and kick!"

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