"Maybe now that my role is about to change, I suddenly find that my parents still love me. They have done so many things for me, and everything is really for my good..."

So in this world, there is no more sincere and selfless love than parents' love.

Many times, even the love that has been yearned for by people can not be compared with family affection.

Luo Huarui didn't speak. He looked at the road ahead and didn't know what he was thinking.

Jie Ranran glanced at him and thought that he should also think of himself.

They came to the Civil Affairs Bureau, where many people come to get married and divorced every day. Some are happy, others are smiling.

Jie Ranran looks at the lovers who love each other, and even someone kisses together as if there were no one else. Her eyes are full of hidden envy.

Luo Huarui suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side. He seemed to notice what she was looking at just now. He lowered his head and lowered his voice and joked: "do you want to be like them?"

Qian Ranran raised her head in surprise. Her ears were red: "don't talk nonsense!"

Qian Ranran coughed and didn't know whether to hide or ease the embarrassment.

Luo Huarui then said, "we can go back early today, or when it's over later, let's open a room in the hotel?"

Qian Ranran pinches her fist and gently hits him on the chest. She just feels that this man is too serious.

After being with him, Jie Ranran found out that he was not as serious and polite as he usually showed.

Although Luo Huarui said flirtatious words, he didn't make excessive moves with her.

At best, they are holding hands and clasping their fingers, which is a very intimate behavior.

As for those lovers who hug each other, it's so clean and simple that it looks like a little couple who just fall in love. They can't let go.

Qian Ranran sighed softly in her heart. She wanted to take the initiative. She wanted to hang her hands around the man's neck. She was afraid that the man would feel uncomfortable and asked her to take her hands away.

Luo Huanxi is right. Her brother is a person who doesn't understand amorous feelings.

The speed of getting the certificate is still very fast. Although there are many people and they still need to queue up, Qian Ranran and Luo Huarui finally got their marriage certificate.

The two took photos with their ID cards and white shirts. Their faces were as sweet as honeypots. Even the uncle who took pictures of them couldn't help praising them as the most suitable couple they had ever seen.

After Qian Ranran and Luo Huarui left the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qian Ranran sent the photos to the circle of friends, and soon received a wave of praise and comments, and congratulations poured in.

Others were surprised that she got married so soon that they didn't even know when she fell in love.

Qian Ranran thinks of the process of falling in love with Luo Huarui. Her mood is also very complicated.

Not to mention others, even she thought so. Her wedding with Luo Huarui was too fast.

Qian Ranran feels insecure if she doesn't get married so early.

This is really a headache.

Jie Ranran puts down her mobile phone and looks at Luo Huarui who drives her back. She smiles with a face of Infatuation: "husband?"

Luo Huarui was still unfamiliar with this title, but he didn't reject it at all. He nodded with a reddish face, as if he agreed.

"Do you think the process of our relationship is too short?" Jie Ranran asked him again.

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