She left with this Ang Lee. That's the real insecurity.

Luo Huanxi was outspoken and directly spoke out Ang Lee's worries. Ang Lee was not hiding. He smiled and said, "there's really nothing to worry about. Since Miss Luo promised so, I shouldn't mind my own business as an outsider."

Luo Huanxi threw him a look that you know is good, turned back and said to the boy next to her, "let's go."

The man held her, gave Ang Lee a warning look in his eyes, and then left with Luo Huanxi.

Ang Lee looked at their backs as they left, lowered his head and pressed his mobile phone. After taking a deep breath, Ang Lee stopped them again: "wait."

"Master Li, what do you want to do?" Luo Huanxi stopped again and his expression became impatient.

This man doesn't think he has the right to care what she does when they meet?

Her father can't control her. Who does he think he is?

Ang Lee walked up with a smile, a pair of peach eyes, looking at all kinds of extraordinarily romantic feelings.

"Miss Luo, I think you still need to come with me." Ang Lee took out his mobile phone, and Luo Huarui's phone was displayed on the screen.

Luo Huanxi frowned and said angrily, "Why are you calling my brother? What do I want to do? What does it have to do with you? Mr. Li, do you take yourself too seriously?"

Ang Lee directly opened the answer button and pressed hands-free. Luo Huarui's voice came out of his mobile phone.

"Luo Huanxi, you are limited to ten minutes to get home immediately, or I will come out to find you myself." Luo Huarui's voice was a little cold. The temperature at night was not low, but Luo Huanxi couldn't help shivering.

Luo Huanxi bit her lips and violated her brother's wishes for the first time: "brother, I'm an adult. I have a sense of propriety in my heart. I don't need you to take care of it, nor do I need you to unite with outsiders to restrict my freedom."

Luo Huanxi came upstairs and hung up the phone directly.

Ang Lee was not surprised at all. After putting away his mobile phone, he still said with a smile: "if I were you, I would go home obediently now and don't let your brother worry. Otherwise, your brother will come in person later. I'm afraid you won't have such freedom in the future."

Luo Huanxi breathed more and more heavily in his chest and stared at Ang Lee.

"You really like meddling!"

Ang Lee spread his hand: "for the first time, I saw that women don't like handsome men to meddle in her affairs. Miss Luo, you are really a special woman."

The man leaned over and the voice was close to her. The ambiguous atmosphere made people feel dizzy in an instant.

Don't forget that Ang Lee is a master among the flowers. There are only women he doesn't want to deal with, and there's nothing he can't handle.

Of course, except Qianran.

Luo Huanxi turned and looked into the man's eyes. His dark eyes seemed to have great attraction. The clean pupils made people feel numb.

Luo Huanxi's eyes fell on the bridge of his tall nose and suddenly thought of a rumor in the market that a man with a tall nose

She glanced directly over his reddish lips and looked down. Suddenly, she heard the low mockery of the man in her ear.

Luo Huanxi was like a frightened bird in an instant. His eyes flashed. He immediately took back his sight and said to him in panic.

"In short, don't worry about it. I'm leaving. Don't follow us anymore!"

She turned and was about to leave, but Ang Lee grabbed her wrist.

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