Near dawn, everyone was exhausted. The rescue team changed another batch. Luo Huasheng never left. During this period, he only drank a few salivas and rescued with everyone.

He noticed two hours ago that a man in the rescue team was in ragged clothes and was still desperately digging for someone.

Even if a new team of rescuers had been replaced, he never left.

Luo Huasheng walked towards him and wanted him to have a rest. At this time, someone suddenly shouted, "there seems to be a person here!"

When Luo Huasheng was about to pass, he found that the man moved faster than him and almost rushed over at once.

His side face was swept by Luo Huasheng. Luo Huasheng was stunned and thought he saw the wrong person.

"It's a woman!" Someone shouted again.

Luo Huasheng's heart beat faster. The construction teams here are basically men. If they are women, will it be Luo Huanxi?

However, before Luo Huasheng got close, someone heard him say, "no breathing."

The suspicious rescuer who climbed to the other side suddenly felt as if he had suffered a huge blow and knelt on his legs.

Luo Huasheng walked up, patted the man on the shoulder with his palm, and asked in a dumb voice, "where's the doctor? Call the doctor quickly!"

Soon, the woman buried under the soil was dug out. The doctor gave her emergency cardiac resuscitation. His voice said anxiously, "she has too much blood flow. If she doesn't go to the hospital, she can't be saved."

The man kneeling on the ground moved his eyes, put his hands on the ground and got up again.

Looking at Luo Huanxi, whose face had been soiled by soil, was dug out, the man finally couldn't control himself and cried bitterly.

He tried to reach out and grab her hand. His voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear clearly: "Luo Huanxi... Luo Huanxi, you stupid woman!"

There was no other sound at the scene. The man's pathetic cry made everyone's heart heavier.

Luo Huasheng looked at her face with a trace of joy, and Luo Huasheng had not thought of it. Luo Huasheng had already left here with a trace of joy in his heart.

"Take people to the hospital quickly." The doctor stood up and several people carried Luo Huanxi onto the stretcher.

The man who would wear the clothes of the rescue team in front of her got up and wanted to leave, but was stopped by their captain: "you go to rest first, don't follow..."

"Let him go." Luo Huasheng stopped their captain and asked the others to continue the search.

Luo Huasheng opened his mouth, and the rescue team leader couldn't say anything. In addition, the team member had been looking for so long, and his body had already been unable to support. It was as if he followed him to the hospital to have a rest.

Luo Huanxi has found it. Although the situation is very serious and may face life-threatening at any time, it also gives Luo Huasheng a sigh of relief.

He called his family again to report safety. All the Luo family were relieved, but Luo Huanxi's situation was not optimistic, which still put a huge stone on everyone's heart.

Luo did not leave the construction site and continued to work with the rescue team to find the remaining people.

"Mr. Luo, it's almost dawn. You've been playing here all night. You'd better go back and have a rest first. If you're tired, what can you do?" The staff who came with Luo Huasheng kept persuading him.

Luo Huasheng was really too tired to walk. He sat down on a stone and rested. After drinking a few salivas, he heard a sad cry not far away.

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