"Aren't you really hungry?" Qian Ranran tries to stand up. "I'll buy you something to eat."

She thought that Luo Huanxi didn't wake up and didn't bring anything to eat when she came. Who knows, when she opened the door, Luo Huanxi was crying, which made her panic. If Luo Huanxi didn't remind her, Qian Ranran almost forgot that she was still hungry.

Before she left, Luo Huanxi pulled her back: "sister-in-law, don't go, stay with me."

She doesn't want to stay alone in the ward. She's lonely and too cold. She'll be afraid.

"OK, I won't go. Then I'll call and ask someone to bring some food."

Luo Huanxi closed his eyes and didn't refuse.

Jie Ranran stayed with her in her ward for a long time. Luo Huanxi didn't talk and seemed to sleep again with his eyes closed.

Qian Ranran tried to call her a few times, but she didn't reply. Knowing that she slept again, Qian Ranran called the doctor and nurse and asked them to examine Luo Huanxi.

The brother and sister rested in the hospital for half a month and finally recovered most of their health.

After confirming that there was no problem with their health, the three packed up their things and went back to D city.

As soon as they came back, they received a strong welcome.

In the evening, Lu Chunxiao asked the servant to prepare a sumptuous meal to celebrate the good fortune of Luo Huarui and his sister.

"Why didn't Watson and bingyue come?" When Lu Chunxiao was about to eat, he saw that the positions of Luo Huasheng and Zhao bingyue were still empty.

"Mom, I heard that the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law took their children to France." Luohuanhuan explained.

Although she has married he Yijun and they live outside, she runs to her mother's house every day. If he Yijun hadn't come to pick her up every day, she would soon live in the second room again.

"Well." Lu Chunxiao didn't study deeply. Young people should go out more.

After serving the dishes, Lu Chunxiao put a piece of fresh fish in Qian Ranran's bowl and said lovingly, "Ranran, you've worked hard. You take care of their brothers and sisters these days. Come and eat more."

Qian Ranran said thank you. The next second, her face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chunxiao was startled by her and thought something had happened to the fish.

Qian ran covers her mouth and vomits. Then she quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom.

Lu Chunxiao was stunned. When Qian Ranran came back, Lu Chunxiao's eyes lit up and excitedly asked her, "Ranran, do you have it?"

Qian Ranran just pressed down the uncomfortable strength in her stomach. When she heard what Lu Chunxiao said, she looked puzzled: "what's the matter?"

Now that she is weak and dizzy, she has no extra energy to think about the meaning of Lu Chunxiao's words.

"Of course it's a child! Are you pregnant!"

Lu Chunxiao's words were not only Qian Ranran, but also Luo Huarui and Lu mengju.

Luo Huanhuan bit the chopsticks and stared at them: "no, isn't the third brother recuperating in the hospital these days?"

"Yes, the third brother's body is so badly hurt. How can Ranran get pregnant?" Lu mengju followed.

Lu Chunxiao looked at the two of them undesirably: "what do you know? Even if Huarui is injured, when will the couple stay together and have a child?"

Lu Chunxiao's words made Luo Huarui and Qian Ranran's ears red.

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