But how could this be possible? She just tested early pregnancy in front of the whole Luo family last night. It was obvious that she was not pregnant.

"Doctor, are you mistaken? I tested early pregnancy last night and didn't show it at all. Isn't it gynecological disease I got?"

Qian Ranran's words not only made the doctor speechless, but also made Luo Huarui around her almost choked by herself.

It turned out that her body was stiff and her limbs were cold just now because she thought she had gynecological disease?

"Ranran you..." Luo Huarui didn't know what to say.

Qian Ranran has a embarrassed face and is still immersed in the news that you are pregnant. She can't come back for a long time.

Until Luo Huarui took her out of the hospital, the two predecessors still had a sense of unreality in their dreams.

She's pregnant?

But how did she get pregnant?

The doctor's words seemed to echo in his ears: "if you didn't measure it, it's likely that the early pregnancy has expired or failed."

Qian Ranran remembers that she said something very bad at that time. She asked the doctor, "is it possible that your machine has failed?"

The doctor was speechless again and said that if she didn't trust their hospital, she could change a hospital for retest. He promised that the results were the same.

And before Qian Ranran and them left, she gave Qian Ranran some early pregnancies and asked her to go home for another test.

Qian Ranran couldn't wait to go home. She went directly to the bathroom of the hospital. The test results were very different from last night.

When Qian Ranran came out of the bathroom, the whole person was stunned. Looking at Luo Huarui waiting outside, he had a stuffy nose.

"Hua Rui, I seem to be really pregnant."

Luo Huarui accepted this fact earlier than she did. He hugged her in his arms, put it close to her ear and said, "well, I'm going to be a father, and you'll be a mother soon."

Their identities have not experienced lovers well, and they will become relatives in the twinkling of an eye.

This feeling makes Qian Ranran feel at a loss, fresh and strange.

Until she got into the car, Qian Ranran slowly accepted the fact, covered her mouth and laughed. The laughter grew louder and louder.

Luo Huarui drove the car, and the smile on his face never stopped. The car was driving on the road, and the gray sky outside suddenly became sunny.

"Husband, you said we would tell them the news when we got home. Would they think we lied to them?"

There was an Oolong last night. If you do it again, you may not believe it.

But it's also... It's so dramatic!

"You have the inspection form issued by the hospital in your hand. Do you think it may be false?"

Qian Ranran then remembered the inspection sheet taken out of the bag. Looking at the data she couldn't understand, Qian Ranran put the inspection sheet on her chest as if she were holding her child.

"My mother will die of joy." She can already imagine her mother showing off to everyone when she plays mahjong.

"Everyone will be happy." Luo Huarui held her hand, and his happiness was beyond words.

Before the car drove back to Luo's house, Qian Ranran couldn't help telling everyone the news in the family group.

"Tell you a good news. I came to the hospital for examination today. As a result, I was transferred from gastroenterology to obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor told me that I was pregnant."

After the news was sent out, the crowd was silent for several seconds. After a while, all the news poured out like a spring.

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