Qian Ranran took a deep breath and breathed the fresh air of Luo's house. If she wasn't so prone to pregnancy and vomiting, it would be more perfect.

Qian Ranran had a few leisurely days, but Lu Chunxiao and Mrs. Qian didn't stop their busy steps.

Qian Ranran and Luo Huarui are about to get married. Mrs. Qian means that it's best to get married before Qian Ranran becomes pregnant.

Lu Chunxiao just meant the same thing. They just hit it off. They immediately found Luo Huarui and Qian Ranran and began to discuss the details of the wedding.

Although Qian Ranran hasn't been pregnant yet, she has been eating and drinking with Luo Huanhuan these days. She doesn't walk much and has gained weight unconsciously.

When I put the wedding dress back on my body, I found that she couldn't wear it.

Qian Ranran looks depressed. She doesn't think she's fat, but the fact is that she really can't wear the wedding dress that was originally customized according to her size.

"Will I get fatter and fatter in the future?" Qian Ranran found that the original leisurely days need to pay a price, and the first price of her comeback is that she has gained weight and can't even wear her wedding dress.

"Pregnancy is absolutely fattening, but after pregnancy, you can still lose weight." Luo Huanhuan is much more optimistic.

Although she has gained a lot of weight, the meat is basically on her stomach, and she doesn't gain much weight in other parts of her body.

Qian Ranran is skeptical, so Luo Huanxi can dispel her concerns with a sentence: "sister-in-law, whether she will become fat or thin after giving birth to a child is actually inherited. Look at my aunt, how thin and slim she is now, how elegant. You are her daughter, and you shouldn't be fat."

Qian Ranran looks back at her mother's elegant figure and finally puts down the boulder in her heart.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Otherwise, she will regret having conceived the child.

The child came so suddenly that Qian Ranran wasn't ready and didn't even think about the consequences.

They were all very happy when he came, but Qian Ranran became sad at the thought that he would turn himself into a fat man.

"Stop thinking, you know? It's all sweet trouble. We can't get it." Luo Huanxi hummed.

Since she survived the disaster, she no longer talked about that person, but when she saw Qian Ranran, who was about to marry her brother, and her cousin who was spoiled with happiness after pregnancy, she said it was impossible not to envy.

But some things are destined not to be yours. Even if you insist, you can't get them.

Luo Huanxi has now calmed down and stopped clinging to things that didn't belong to him.

"You are still young. You will have what you should have sooner or later." Qian Ranran is not as pessimistic as Luo Huanxi.

She was also very pessimistic before she was with Luo Huarui, but now she is also very happy?

And she can feel that Luo Huarui really has a little heart to love himself.

Luo smiled happily and didn't continue the topic. It's useless to say more.

"Ranran, you'd better take the wedding dress and change it while it's still time." Lu Chunxiao suggested that she was afraid that Qian Ranran would walk into the wedding hall in her clothes at that time. Wouldn't it make a fool of herself if it suddenly burst open?

Such mistakes will never be allowed.

Qian Ranran nodded and didn't insist on keeping the wedding dress intact. Although the customized wedding dress is the best, she can't lose weight in such a short time and can only make the wedding dress bigger.

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