If she doesn't have anyone she likes anymore, mother Tan will be anxious for her.

"What are you doing so happy?" Tan suling doesn't think it's a good thing. "I'm at my age when I'm studying. Puppy love is not advisable and will affect my grades."

Tan suling seriously told her mother word by word.

Mother Tan couldn't help laughing: "yes, my baby is right. What do you want my mother to say?"

Tan suling has a tangled face. She just wants to talk to someone. As for what to do, she doesn't know.

"Actually, it's normal for you to like others at your age. When your father and I were young, we fell in love with each other. As long as you don't mess around, mom and dad are still very open-minded."

Tan suling didn't understand: "what do you mean don't mess around? How can you say don't mess around?"

Mother Tan was asked by her. How should she answer?

"Well, tell mom first, who do you like that boy? Have you held hands with him? Even..."

"Even what?"

Mother Tan coughed and said with a gentle smile, "tell mom who he is first."

Tan suling shook her head. She didn't want to say it, and she didn't think it was necessary to say it.

"He likes school flowers and doesn't like me. Mom, don't go to him."

Tan's mother couldn't cry or laugh: "what am I going to do with him? My mother just wants to know what the character and appearance of the boy you like are, and whether he is worthy of our baby."

"Mom!" Tan suling was angry. "Don't always think that your daughter is the best in the world."

In front of Luo YUNZHUO, she is the one who dwarfs her.

"You're my daughter. I think you're the best in the world. What's the matter? What's the problem? I haven't stopped others from thinking their own children are the best in the world."

Tan suling had nothing to say.

"But you're right. At your age, you don't know what love is and what friendship is. Since he has people you like, you also try to make yourself better. Maybe one day you will find that you don't really like him that much. Mom also believes that one day you will meet people you like and like you."

Tan suling opened her eyes wide and began to look forward to it, but Luo YUNZHUO continued to emerge in her mind.

She's really going to be tortured to death by him.

Tan suling sighed gently, and Tan's mother was constantly comforting her: "don't worry that you can't get out. Calm down. After a long time, you'll come out slowly."

Mother Tan doesn't think that her daughter's distress is a big problem. It's normal that every girl will go through a period.

"I see, mom." Tan suling breathed out and smiled.

In the evening, Tan suling was doing her homework when her mobile phone suddenly rang and thought again.

She picked up her cell phone and thought it was the news of the class group, but it turned out that Luo YUNZHUO sent her a message.

Tan suling has forgotten when they added their friend, but basically they haven't talked for a long time.

Luo YUNZHUO: is your little sister there?

Luo YUNZHUO: is Xiao Tan there?

Tan suling felt strange. When did she have such a good relationship with him?

Then she picked up her cell phone and replied to him.

Tan suling: No.

Luo YUNZHUO: Oh, is the ghost who replied to me now?

Tan suling: you are the ghost! What do you want me to do?

Luo YUNZHUO: would you believe me if I said I wanted to ask you for your homework?

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