Children at this age can keep everything in mind except their studies and grades. A gossip can also make them discuss for a long time.

During the break of the second class, Tan suling went to the toilet. When she came back, the monitor asked her for a physics homework book, but no matter how Tan suling looked for it, she couldn't find it.

"Didn't you bring it home?" Asked the monitor.

"It can't be in my bag." Tan suling recalled that before she came to school, she specially checked that she was still in her schoolbag. Why did she suddenly disappear now?


Tan suling immediately thought of the look in the eyes of those people who talked about her during the recess of the last class after she went to the bathroom.

Did they move their hands?

Tan suling is about to vomit blood. I didn't expect such a bloody thing to happen to her.

The monitor looked at her and couldn't bear to say anything: "otherwise, you can explain to the physics teacher later and make it up next time."

"No!" Tan suling said angrily, "sorry, I was too careless. Just wait for me a few minutes."

She went to the back of the classroom, printed out the questions and problem-solving ideas in her mobile phone and handed them to the monitor.

"You still do it on your cell phone?!" Fangfang whispered, Su Ling is too powerful.

"Hey, hey." Tan suling smiled and showed her dimples without saying anything more.

When she passed Liu Haitang's table, she glanced at them. Liu Haitang felt guilty for a moment.

Tan suling secretly said that this time she didn't care about them. Next time, she had to give them some color to see.

As soon as Tan suling sat down, Luo YUNZHUO stood up and walked to Liu Haitang.

Before Liu Haitang could react, Luo YUNZHUO reached out and knocked on their table: "homework, take it out."

Liu Haitang was frightened by his expressionless face and said with a guilty heart, "take what, I don't have the homework you want here."

Hearing the news, Tan suling turned back and looked at them with other students.

"Do you need me to play the video for everyone to enjoy?" Luo YUNZHUO didn't have much patience to say anything to them. He said he would do it.

"In two minutes, the teacher will come. Do you want the teacher to enjoy it together?"

Liu Haitang blushed. The two girls next to her also lowered their heads and dared not look at Luo YUNZHUO.

Liu Haitang, who also wanted to be hard spoken, gave Tan suling's physics homework back to her under the reminder of pinching her thigh at the same table.

Tan suling, who didn't want to return the exercise book, brightened her eyes. When she took over the exercise book, she was also stared at by Liu Haitang.

"Next time I dare to do such a thing again, I'll send the video directly to the headmaster. You can try." Luo YUNZHUO finished warning and turned back to his seat.

Tan suling had no choice but to talk to her classmates about their relationship.

But other students were shocked by his courageous action, all cheered, and the girls almost screamed.

Unfortunately, they are not the ones who have been courageous.

After being treated fairly by classmate Luo, Tan suling was so happy that she was distracted in class. She was just caught by the teacher and answered the questions on the spot. As a result, she couldn't answer any of them, so she turned red and had a thick neck.

After school, Tan suling packed up her things and went to the library.

Suddenly a man came up behind her. Tan suling looked back and saw Luo YUNZHUO next to her. She stopped and said, "how is it you?"

His face was surprised and his heart was filled with joy.

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