When they arrived at Luo YUNZHUO's villa, Tan suling, who was originally rejected, began to visit as soon as they entered.

Luo YUNZHUO's house is very large and beautifully decorated. It's empty. At first glance, I know that no one often lives here.

Sofa furniture and kitchen are available. The villa is on the upper and lower floors, and Luo YUNZHUO's room is upstairs.

"Something to drink?" Luo YUNZHUO opens the door of the refrigerator. Although he doesn't often come here to live, he still often asks people to clean and put some food in case of need.

"Is there hot water?" Tan suling saw the drink in his hand and suddenly felt that she had a lot to do.

"Yes, I'll burn it for you." Luo YUNZHUO put down his drink and began to boil water for her on the tea bar machine.

Then I called again and ordered takeout.

Tan suling sat on the sofa, took the hot water he poured and held it in her hand. Her eyes kept looking around: "do you have a study here?"

"Yes, I'll take you up." Luo YUNZHUO helped her pick up her schoolbag and took her upstairs.

Tan suling regretted after asking. It was bold enough to come to his villa with him. She had to go upstairs with him. She always felt that she was a little white rabbit coaxed back to the wolf's nest by the big gray wolf. What's the matter?

Tan suling's heart was quite strong, and suddenly jumped and walked happily.

Ever since she knew she was interested in him, she couldn't restrain her falling heart.

Following him upstairs, Tan suling kept thinking about things. She didn't even notice when Luo YUNZHUO stopped, so she bumped into him.

"Yes... Sorry."

Luo YUNZHUO turned around, facing her four eyes. The distance between the two people was close at hand, and the ambiguous breath was spreading a little bit.

Tan suling suddenly became nervous, her face turned red, her breathing was poor, and her palms were numb.

Luo YUNZHUO noticed her change, and his heart suddenly showed a surge of excitement and expectation. He lowered his head and was ready to kiss.

Suddenly, Tan suling blinked, stretched out her hands and pressed them on his approaching shoulder. Her bright eyes stared at him: "Luo... Classmate Luo, what do you want to do?"

Luo YUNZHUO held his breath for a moment, smiled and pretended not to understand the topic: "the takeout may be coming. I'll go to the door to collect it."

When he finished, he missed her and was ready to go downstairs, but because he was too anxious, his body suddenly hit her.

"Ah!" Tan suling shouted. Luo YUNZHUO was nervous and was going to stop. Unexpectedly, he didn't stand firm. His body was going to fall down like this, and Tan suling was pressed under him.

In a hurry, Luo YUNZHUO could only stretch out his hand and put it on the back of her head to prevent her head from hitting the ground.

In a flash, the two fell to the ground, and Luo YUNZHUO was still pressed on Tan suling.

Tan suling, who was knocked unconscious, didn't react. Luo YUNZHUO's throat, staring at her lips, rolled around, like forgetting the dream and reality. Her lips pressed down and kissed her.

Tan suling widened her eyes and petrified the moment Luo YUNZHUO kissed her.

The boy's lips are as soft as marshmallow. It doesn't feel so bad. It's also very beautiful.

Luo YUNZHUO kissed for the first time. He didn't have much experience. He felt that Tan suling didn't hide. He couldn't help but want to kiss deeply.

I don't know how long it took. Tan suling was about to die from being kissed. The hand in front of her chest cleared her mind, woke up, loosened his lips and raised her head.

Watery eyes, so separated by a few centimeters, look at each other without saying a word.

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