"You..." Tan suling was forced to look up and stare at the man's handsome face, forgetting to resist.

Luo YUNZHUO recruited a hand, and his assistant quickly took a picture of them.

When the man released her, Tan suling gasped as if she had just been picked up from the water.

The assistant showed Luo YUNZHUO the photos taken by his mobile phone: "is Luo still satisfied?"

Tan suling looked up and saw the beautiful picture of Luo YUNZHUO kissing her on her assistant's mobile phone. The whole face was red and dripping blood.

"Send me the picture." Luo YUNZHUO was quite satisfied, and even a smile came from the corners of his mouth.

Tan suling thought she was wrong, and her heart beat faster for no reason.

"Let's go." Luo YUNZHUO took her hand and walked out. They were like lovers who had just fallen in love.

Tan suling was worried. She wanted to ask Luo YUNZHUO to delete the photo several times. If his family saw it, she would be dead.

Until Luo YUNZHUO took her to the car and drove to a shopping mall, Tan suling didn't find a chance to speak.

When they walked into the mall, Tan suling felt it and responded: "Luo... Mr. Luo, what did you bring me here for?"

Shouldn't she go back to the company now?

The man looked at her and didn't speak.

Around them, many people looked back at them and exclaimed frequently.

"Wow... That man is so handsome!"

"Is it a star?"

"Which star? I haven't heard of it."

"Do you want to get an autograph?"

"The woman around him is his girlfriend. Look good."

Such a scene made Tan suling think in a trance that she was back ten years ago.

The man around him, no matter how old, seems to attract a large number of girls to indulge in him.

No wonder he's so obsessed now.

It's this face and this superior figure.

Tan suling looked at his high-end customized suit. Well, the noble temperament still needs to be smashed out with money.

Tan suling lowered her head and looked at the shoes she had worn for several years. She suddenly felt that she was out of place with him.

Luo YUNZHUO seemed totally unaware of the screaming girls around him. If someone dared to come forward, his assistant behind him would immediately drive them away.

When he arrived at a commodity store, Luo YUNZHUO took a cart and looked at her: "go pick up your daily necessities."

Tan suling looked at the man standing behind the shopping cart. Although he was wearing a suit, he looked like a man at home.

"I..." Tan suling didn't know what to say.

He brought her here to buy something for daily use?

"I have these things at home." Poor as she is, she is not short of money.

"In the villa." Luo YUNZHUO explained faintly.

Tan suling suddenly felt that the blood from all over her body was pouring into her head, and her mind was blank. She looked at the man's handsome face blankly: "what do you mean?"

Does he want her to live in the villa?

Is he going to keep her?

Tan suling's eyes turned red again.

Luo YUNZHUO frowned. Is it so difficult for her to live with herself?

But seeing her red eyes, like a rabbit, he couldn't help pulling her into his arms and hugging her.

Tan suling was forced to lean against his chest. His heart beat strongly and forcefully, which made her settle down inexplicably.

What does he mean?

Tan suling has no right to refuse, but she still wants to fight for it: "I think I can cook dinner for you for two months on the premise that..."

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