On the way back, Tan suling fell into a tangle.

Her aunt asked her to see her father. Before Tan suling returned home, she also planned to see him.

But I don't know why she can't make this decision. I don't know what kind of state she should use to tell her father what happened in the past ten years, how to tell him, and why she hasn't come to see him in the past ten years.

Ten years, like a white horse.

Tan suling thought of her life with her parents. Their family loved each other very much, but how did she get to this point?

The atmosphere in the carriage was particularly depressed. Tan suling closed her mouth and didn't speak. Luo YUNZHUO's driver was very sensible and only did his duty to drive. She didn't ask or say anything.

When she was sent downstairs to her company, Tan suling stood downstairs for a long time.

The phone in my pocket keeps ringing. It's the chief editor. I know what he wants to say without answering.

Tan suling connected the phone. Before the editor in chief got angry, she asked him for leave in advance: "editor in chief, I still have something to do. I may not be able to come to the company today. I'll give you the interview materials when I get back to the company."

"Tan suling, you dare not come to the company, aren't you..."

Tan suling hung up and turned off her mobile phone.

After raising her hand to stop a car and telling the driver the address, Tan suling, who sat in the taxi again, realized what she was doing.

She's going to see Tan Yixuan?

But is it appropriate for her to go like this?

Tan suling looked down at the clothes she wore yesterday and didn't change today. There was rust on the gate of the set.

After thinking about it, she went home first and changed into clean clothes before she came to the prison.

Tan suling has never been to this place. It is strange here, but because of Tan Yixuan, she feels a cold familiarity.

When she was taken to the prison visit room and saw Tan Yixuan with white hair on her temples, Tan suling finally couldn't control herself and burst into tears.

She didn't want her father to see her like this, but the more she resisted, the more uncontrollable her tears became and the louder her sobbing voice became.

Over the years, she has been wronged and has a bad life, but she has no way to talk to anyone, and no father and mother can be spoiled.

In everyone's opinion, her aunt has been very good to her, and she thinks so, but she still has a hard time. She could have stayed with her parents and accompanied them all the time.

Tan Yixuan was stunned for a long time when she heard that her daughter came to see her. She thought she had heard wrong.

Until he was taken to the prison room to wait, his heart was still restless and could not be calm for a long time.

Haven't seen her daughter for so many years. Has she grown up and lived well? Has she ever blamed him for what happened that year?

One thing after another came to his mind, which made him timid and wanted to get up and not see her.

But this shameless relative finally lost to the missing in my heart.

When Su Ling approached, Tan Yixuan saw her through the thick glass. Her eyes were red and he forbeared.

But when her daughter sat down, she had no time to say a word, so she covered her lips and cried bitterly. Tan Yixuan could no longer suppress her excitement and looked at her daughter crying.

"Su Ling, Dad... Dad, I'm sorry for you..." Tan Yixuan picked up the phone and looked at his daughter for a moment.

She changed a lot as he thought.

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