The smile on Tan suling's face couldn't hold up completely. She frowned slightly. She wanted to laugh over it, but Han Fan couldn't help saying these words.

She looked at Han Fan and said seriously: "Mr. Han, you're right. If you hadn't mentioned that you pushed me into the pond when you were a child, I would have forgotten you. I didn't know that someone has been thinking about me for so many years. But no matter what you think, you're already a man with a fiancee, and I don't like you, so please don't say these words to me again. If others hear and misunderstand, it's not only wrong If it doesn't affect you well, it will also bring me some harm. If you really do it for my good, I hope you won't mention it again in the future. "

Tan suling is very grateful that he can like herself. After all, there are not many people who have confessed to her since childhood. She also has a person in her heart, but she knows that she and that person will never be together, so she has always suppressed her feelings and didn't let it grow wild.

If Luo YUNZHUO didn't want her to be with him, even if she had returned to China, she would avoid him and wouldn't appear in front of him and disturb his life.

She believes that all people who really like others will be like her on the premise of not disturbing each other's life and not destroying others' families.

Unexpectedly, Han fan, who had just been engaged, said such frivolous words to her when he saw her first face.

Tan suling really feels uncomfortable and doesn't like it.

She has no right not to let anyone like her. After all, it's someone else's business who others like, but she can't stand his irresponsible words in front of her own face.

"Sorry!" Han Fan's expression became flustered. He didn't expect that if he told her what had been hidden for so many years, he would get such a strong aversion from Tan suling, "I'm too rash. I'm sorry for Xiao Ling. If you don't like it, I won't say it in the future."

His attitude seemed a little humble, which made Tan suling unwilling to stimulate him again.

"I'll go first if I have something else to do. Mr. Han's better go in and accompany his fiancee." Tan suling said she was leaving.

"Xiao Ling." Han Fan caught up with her and pleaded, "can you give me a contact information?"

He has lost her for so many years. He doesn't want to lose her this time. If he can have her contact information, will they be closer?

Tan suling was about to refuse. Han Fan immediately said, "I promise I won't disturb you. I just... Just... Just think I'm just a friend of yours."

Even if you can't be a lover, you can always be a friend, right?

It seemed that someone came out. Tan suling didn't want to be seen. She nodded casually, took out her mobile phone and opened the wechat QR code for him to scan.

After adding friends, Tan suling didn't need to stay: "then I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Han Fan didn't want her to leave so soon. He still had a lot to know about her, "Xiao Ling, can you tell me where you live now?"

He has been to the tan family. Since the tan family had such great changes, the door of the tan family has been closed, as if no one had ever gone back.

Occasionally, when passing by, he would still drive and wait at the door of Tan's house for an hour or two, as if he would wait for her back.

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