"I tell you, after the editor in chief punished you that day, he fell at home, his face was black and blue, like a pig head. Many people in the office said he deserved it. If you see him like that, you must feel relieved!"

The editor in chief fell at home?

He really knows how to make it up. Tan suling thought he would call the police, but she didn't expect him to deal with it in this way.

Is it because of Luo YUNZHUO?

"Also, you know what? I heard that Xu Lijia was found guilty of tax evasion. Didn't she hold a press conference a few days ago? She wanted to put her responsibility on the agent. Unexpectedly, she was granted the title today. Her fans are still crying in her super words. Ha ha ha ha, it makes her arrogant. It's so happy!"

Xiaolin has had enough gossip these two days. There is no one around to share. Only Tan suling, who has not been to the company for several days, can satisfy her desire to talk.

Tan suling whispered, "I already know what you said."

"Really?" Xiaolin didn't think so, and then said, "do you think it's a coincidence that Xu Lijia just slandered you and the editor in chief just punished you. As a result, both of them suffered retribution. They deserve it. This is really fun!"

Tan suling didn't speak. Without Luo YUNZHUO, these things could not have happened.

The so-called earthly revenge is just because someone avenged her.

"By the way, I saw the news you posted on the Internet. It's too hot. Liang Qiurong even stepped on two boats. What does she think? Is it bad for the crown prince of the Han family? He's going to cheat on a male star. Now, there's a quarrel on the Internet. Do you think the Han family will cancel their engagement with her?"

Tan suling: "... I don't know."

It's someone else's business. Whether they cancel their engagement or not has nothing to do with her.

If it weren't for the comfort of her aunt and uncle, she wouldn't send the news online.

She's really like an entertaining paparazzi now.

Tan suling sighed softly, and her face became more worried.

"But you are really good enough. Where did you get this kind of news? Remember to take me with you and I'll take pictures for you next time!"

Tan suling: "... Wow."

After calling Xiaolin, Tan suling took out her mobile phone and opened the news she published online.

At the bottom of the news, many people are scolding Liang Qiurong. Others say that this kind of rich family marriage has no feelings. Many couples play their own games.

There are a lot of dirty words

She knew early in the morning that such entertainment news actually has little nutrition and value.

But now she has come to this step, what is the way to change?

If you don't take such a job, you will starve to death sooner or later.

Tan suling was in no mood to brush down. These comments were as expected. After turning off her mobile phone, she continued to lie on the table, closed her eyes and slept again.

I don't know how long I slept. When Aunt Zhang woke me up again, Tan suling almost choked her temper.

"Aunt Zhang..."

Aunt Zhang looked chatty. She didn't want to disturb her to rest. She pointed to the mobile phone she put on the table and said, "Miss Tan, your mobile phone has been ringing."

Tan suling found that several messages had been sent in her wechat.

"Oh." Tan suling picked up her cell phone and wanted to see who sent her the message.

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