Luo YUNZHUO's steak knife stopped and fell into deep thought.

It turned out that he made up his own mind. She didn't seem to like foreign food so much.

"What's the matter?" Tan suling saw his movements and thought something had happened.

"Nothing." Luo YUNZHUO bowed his head and ate a piece of beef. The steak made in this Fanguo restaurant tastes very delicious, but he will feel tired if he eats too much.

It seems that we can change places in the future.

After eating, they left the restaurant.

Tan suling wants to go back to her own place, but she doesn't know how to speak.

YUNZHUO took her back to his villa. His car stopped outside the restaurant and walked over.

"That..." Tan suling stopped and stopped talking.

"What's the matter?" Luo YUNZHUO looked at her and stopped.

Just then, a car drove slowly in front of them. The man in the car looked at the two people standing outside through the window, and his eyes suddenly became sinister.

How did she stand with him?

Han Fan didn't hear what they were talking about, but saw Luo YUNZHUO's expression. He reached out impatiently, grabbed Tan suling's hand and took her into his car.

In the process, Tan suling wanted to struggle, but like being afraid of Luo YUNZHUO, she followed Luo YUNZHUO's car with half accommodation.

"Stop!" Han Fan called the driver in front of him. When he pushed the door down and looked at the direction Tan suling had just been taken to the car, Luo YUNZHUO's car had already been driven away.


Tan suling didn't speak all the way. She lowered her head and was in a complicated mood.

She thought Luo YUNZHUO wouldn't let her go back to her residence. When the car stopped, Luo YUNZHUO said it, but he didn't mean to get off.

Tan suling looked up and found that Luo YUNZHUO had sent her back to her residence.


"Don't you want to get off?" Luo YUNZHUO's tone was not very good. He thought they had been together for so long that she was used to living with him.

As a result, she still wanted to keep a distance from him.

No matter how patient he is, he will be tired in the face of such a girlfriend who is always unable to enter the oil and salt and always wants to keep a distance from her.

"If you don't want to, go to me." Luo YUNZHUO tried to start the car.

Tan suling was so frightened that she quickly pushed open the door and didn't forget to bow down to him to thank him: "Luo... YUNZHUO, thank you."

She was ready to go back to shilihetan villa with him, but Luo YUNZHUO unexpectedly sent her back.

Tan suling has always felt that this man is very gentleman and warm. She felt so in high school. Now he hasn't changed much.

Just such a person, how can he raise so many women outside behind his wife's back?

Luo YUNZHUO didn't say a word. He was calm and didn't look very good. He drove away.

Tan suling watched his car drive away before she looked back and returned to her house.

When I walked into the elevator and went upstairs, I was still thinking about what kind of person Luo YUNZHUO was.

She has been back home for so long and has been with him for some time. Although she often sees his affair with a female star on the Internet, or what a daughter has paid for him, she has not met

For example, the wife of Mr. Chen. Although Mrs. Chen didn't show too obvious at that time, she just knew that Mrs. Chen didn't have a simple mind for him.

Who knows if Luo YUNZHUO has any private contact with her.

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