Soon after, they got rid of the car following them and the car arrived at its destination.

"Here we are." Han Fan said, pushed open the door, got out of the car, went around to tan suling and opened the door for her.

Tan suling got out of the car and saw a sea of flowers everywhere. A breeze blew and the fragrance of flowers stayed at the tip of her nose, which made her sneeze.

"How about it? Is it beautiful here?" Han Fan looked at the endless sea of flowers in the distance, and finally showed a little smile on his face.

Tan suling sneezed again and rubbed her nose: "how did you think of bringing me here?"

Tan suling is not very interested in the scenery, even if it is really beautiful here.

Ten years ago, when she first went abroad with her aunt, in order not to make her too sad, her aunt also took her to many scenic places, including world-famous scenic spots and unknown scenic spots.

At that time, Tan suling didn't want her aunt to be too embarrassed. She could only pretend that she liked to smile. But when she returned to the hotel and stayed by herself, she didn't have any expression on her whole face. She just felt tired, both physically and mentally.

Now, she is still not interested in such a beautiful place. Maybe the person she most wants to come with is not here, so even the best mood becomes dim.

"Don't you like it?" Han Fan turned his head and saw a faint expression on the girl's face.

He thought she would be surprised, but he didn't expect her to react like this.

Tan suling looked at the vast sea of flowers and butterflies flying in the flowers. The breeze in the mountains was always refreshing.

She shook her head, smiled and said, "no, it's beautiful here."

Perhaps it's out of habitual disguise, or it's because I can't bear to hurt others with words on such things.

"Come on, let's go ahead." Han Fan pointed to the front, and Tan suling found that there was a villa in front, which was decorated very dreamily.

Han Fan walked forward and opened the iron door wrapped by vines. Tan suling followed him and walked silently.

"Do you like it here?" Han fan stopped and asked her to look at the flowers and plants in the yard. Looking back, she saw Tan suling frowning slightly, as if she was uncomfortable.

The smile on Han Fan's face converged at that moment and looked at her anxiously: "Xiaoling, are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Tan suling shook her head and raised a standard smile on her face.

Han Fan: "

It seems that bringing her here in this way really makes her very unhappy.

"I'm sorry..." Han Fan just said these three words. In the villa, an old man quickly opened the doors with a smile and bent over to them, "young master, you're back."

"Yes." Han Fan introduced to tan suling, "this is the housekeeper of the villa. He takes care of the villa when I'm away."

Tan suling smiled and nodded politely.

"Hello, Miss Tan." Uncle Zhang smiled kindly and showed his kindness. "Young master, please come inside, Miss Tan. I've prepared some food for you. Come and have a rest first."

Tan suling followed them into the villa and found that the layout of the villa was similar to a foreign rural style, simple and warm.

Different from Luo YUNZHUO's villa in Shilihe beach, it has its own characteristics.

Tan suling watched quietly until something with clean white fur rushed over and rushed into Han Fan's arms. Han Fan smiled and hugged it and stroked its head. She said softly, "acorn, come and say hello to sister tan."

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